January 12, 2021

Letter to the Editor: What comes to mind regarding the current political situation is what Kenny Rodgers sang, “You got to know when to hold them, know when to fold them, know when to walk away.” In this case there is no one at the table the game is over and you're continued complaining that the fight isn’t over is disruptive to our society and to democracy itself. You have no respect for the institutions of government and governing. It is time to get onboard and respect the election results...

Letter to the Editor:

What comes to mind regarding the current political situation is what Kenny Rodgers sang, “You got to know when to hold them, know when to fold them, know when to walk away.” In this case there is no one at the table the game is over and you're continued complaining that the fight isn’t over is disruptive to our society and to democracy itself. You have no respect for the institutions of government and governing. It is time to get onboard and respect the election results.

Robert Ramshur

