September 23, 2018

By Eddy Justice Secretary Butler County Republican Central Committee Supreme Court Nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh has been thoroughly vetted over six times for positions he has held in the past. His background has been documented for the record and not so much as a bug stain has been found...

By Eddy Justice


Butler County Republican Central Committee

Supreme Court Nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh has been thoroughly vetted over six times for positions he has held in the past. His background has been documented for the record and not so much as a bug stain has been found.

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Then an accusation is made about something that might have happened over 30 years ago at an unremembered location, at a time un-recollected by the accuser who says Kavanaugh misbehaved when he was 17 years old.

Besides the fact that no police report was ever filed, besides the fact that there has not been any evidence brought forward, besides the fact that the accuser has a long history of partisan agenda-driven activity against anyone she disagrees with politically, now as a stall tactic, the accuser is refusing to testify until a full investigation is completed by the FBI.

It takes me back to the hearings for the Supreme Court nomination of Clarence Thomas when false allegations against him were brought up. He said "This is a circus. It's a national disgrace." Once again the circus has come to Washington DC. The nation is once again disgraced.

You know the process has been compromised when even the progressive liberal Supreme Court Justice Bader Ginsburg labels it as "wrong" and a "highly partisan show."

Kavanaugh's record is clean and he is extremely qualified. He should be confirmed in the style of Justice Bader Ginsburg, 96-3.

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