January 24, 2018

By MIKE JENSEN Publisher Sikeston Standard Democrat It's universally accepted that the major media giants - with the exception of Fox News - are blatantly liberal, anti-Trumpers. Even Fox has a handful of liberal-leaning anchors who loudly question the President...




Standard Democrat

It's universally accepted that the major media giants - with the exception of Fox News - are blatantly liberal, anti-Trumpers.

Even Fox has a handful of liberal-leaning anchors who loudly question the President.

But my question is why these mainstream media moguls remain in lockstep with the socialist left.

Is it geography?

Major media big wigs are coastal residents with little knowledge or interest in we little rural voters who know a cornfield when we see one.

Is it their educational background in Ivy League safe spaces that molds their political leanings?

It's surely no coincidence that the New York Times, Washington Post and the alphabet networks all work out of the identical playbook.

It's rampant intellectual incest that drives the mainstream media narrative.

There is an ever-present fear that going against the progressive party line will cause public ridicule and condemnation.

Former Missouri GOP guru Ed Martin learned that lesson recently. Martin was just fired from CNN because he called out hypocrites on the left.

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Ed obviously didn't get the memo.

The left-stream media has become an echo chamber of highly organized and orchestrated efforts to undermine the Trump administration.

But still I wonder other than geography, education and professional incest, why these news providers are so hellbent on destroying our democratic fabric.

What changed in our national dialogue that would sprout forth this one-voice attack on an election outcome?

It takes coordination to devise a uniform message. And that uniform message is neither organic nor coincidental. It is orchestrated.

The former CEO of National Public Radio hit the nail on the head.

"It's not that media is suppressing stories intentionally. It's that these stories don't reflect their interests or beliefs", so says the former CEO.

A strong majority of voters think there is a lot of "fake news in the mainstream media and that our major media institutions are seen as creating not combating our growing partisan divide".

We're told that if you don't like the mainstream message, we have the freedom to switch channels.

But that lacks resolution.

Unlike liberals, conservatives rarely take to the streets in a mass effort to have their voices of dissent heard.

But apparently, we vote.

The solution is not to out-shout the opposition.

Voting remains for now, the only solution to combat the groupthink from the left.

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