Dear Editor and readers of its paper,
I do not know how you feel about birthdays, as for me, I enjoy ever one I have. When one of my sisters was coming up to be 90, she didn't want anyone to know she was 90.
Well, I am coming up to being 90. And I do not mind if everyone knows that. I am going to celebrate and everyone can help me celebrate. If you want to come to my home and have a glass of punch and a piece of cake from 1- 6 p.m., Saturday, Sept. 16, or maybe send a card to me -- I would enjoy that. This year there was a picture of a lady who was going to celebrate her 90th birthday, and requested people to send her a card. So I did.
I think I will need to live until I am a hundred, as my bucket list is getting longer all of the time!! But I enjoy to stay busy.
I am just not quite sure of what my grandsons Mike and Corey have planned. But said we must have a party. So we shall.
Irma Houts Epps
1540 CR 451
Poplar Bluff, Mo.
Editor's Note: For many years Irma Houts Epps has delighted our readers with her "Letters to the Editor." Today she invites readers of the Daily American Republic to join her as she celebrates her 90th birthday. Happy birthday, Irma!"