Later this year I will celebrate 40 years as a pastor. Most of what I have observed during my years of ministry cannot be characterized as miraculous. I have witnessed people who find great hope in their faith even though they have not arrived at full spiritual maturity. I am eager to share that my faith has enriched by life, but must also admit it has not made me perfect.
However, I have been privileged to observe a few moments when God worked in ways which are miraculous. One of these happened to my friend RC last week. RC told me how he was walking through his house when he felt a sudden overwhelming urge to pray for his family. There was no specific family member in his mind but he sensed prayer was urgently needed at that very moment. The feeling was so intense he immediately dropped to his knees and prayed for whomever it was in the family who needed Gods’ help at that precise moment.
Only later did he learn his daughter-in-law and two young grandchildren had been traveling down an interstate at 75 miles-per-hour when the driver on their left apparently realized he was about to pass his exit and turned directly into their path. RC’s daughter-in-law reacted in an instant by doing the only thing she could, swerving onto the shoulder of the interstate. She later told her father-in-law she still cannot figure out how her car avoided what would have been a horrific collision.
When the Apostle Paul penned his letter to the church at Thessalonica he instructed believers to “never stop praying.” (1 Thessalonians 5:17, NLT) Was Paul suggesting God expects believers to be on their knees praying in the traditional sense 24 hours a day? No, that is obviously impossible. I think what he had in mind is captured in Jesus’ words, “And so I tell you, keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you.” (Luke 11:9, NLT)
We are to regularly rely on God and seek his help. When we consistently pray we find it easier to hear God’s voice. In case you think I am overstating the need to ask, seek and knock, consider what Jesus said next, “For everyone who asks, receives. Everyone who seeks, finds. And to everyone who knocks, the door will be opened.” (Luke 11:10, NLT) I am convinced God, like all good fathers, loves to help his children when they ask. We need to make it a point to ask God for help, and then stop and listen for his answer.
Tim Richards grew up in Fairdealing and previously served as associate pastor of Pilgrim’s Rest Church there. He currently serves as a pastor on the staff of Concord Church in South County St. Louis.