July 3, 2021

Sunday is Independence Day in our great country … a day when we proudly don our red, white and blue. While many think of it as just a day for barbecues and fireworks, it’s far more significant than that, a fact which seems to have been forgotten by many...

Sunday is Independence Day in our great country … a day when we proudly don our red, white and blue.

While many think of it as just a day for barbecues and fireworks, it’s far more significant than that, a fact which seems to have been forgotten by many.

The Declaration of Independence was drafted and signed 245 years ago by our nation’s forefathers to break away from oppressive English rule and become an independent nation.

It was about being free and being able to enjoy and exercise basic rights.

Do you like to watch your favorite comedy on television instead of nothing but government-run propaganda? Or do you want to start your own business? Feel free to do so in this country.

Want to read about what your government is doing every day instead of just the half-truths it dishes out? Feel free to do so.

Want to voice your opinion on a matter important to you? You can do that too.

And those are just a few examples of basic freedoms we have as Americans.

Today, it’s not hard to find examples around the world where citizens don’t have those simple rights. Look at China, North Korea, and many countries in Northern Africa, Asia and the Middle East. You can see how those governments control practically every aspect of their citizens’ lives, from what they watch on television to how many children they are allowed to have.

Our country has fought wars to ensure we keep our freedoms. Yes, we still struggle, and we still bicker amongst ourselves, and the wolf is always at the door. But we remain a free nation.

President Ronald Reagan famously said “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same.”

This Independence Day, we hope you take time to reflect on your freedoms and continue to fight for them.

— Daily American Republic
