October 16, 2020

Well, I made it through. As of the time of this writing, I am out of quarantine and show no signs of COVID or any other germ that is floating around. But, I must say, as much as I tried to be still, a lot happened while I was in quarantine. I am blessed that all I had to do was wait out the time. I am blessed that I am not sick nor is anyone in my family right now. I am blessed with friends and family who kept checking up on me and making sure everyone was okay. But…...

Kent Wilfong Doniphan United Methodist Church

Well, I made it through. As of the time of this writing, I am out of quarantine and show no signs of COVID or any other germ that is floating around.

But, I must say, as much as I tried to be still, a lot happened while I was in quarantine.

I am blessed that all I had to do was wait out the time. I am blessed that I am not sick nor is anyone in my family right now. I am blessed with friends and family who kept checking up on me and making sure everyone was okay. But…

But, during my time away, I lost three friends.

One watched me grow up; one showed me how to be graceful in any circumstance, and one helped me become a better pastor.

Yet, I was not able to pay my respects nor say goodbye. So, while I am happy with being out of quarantine, it is a bittersweet.

However, as a follower of Christ, I know that I will be seeing my friends again. I have a promise that we will be gathered together with Christ. We will be able to visit and sing and laugh together once again.

How do I know this? The promises are in the Bible.

John 14:2, “In my Father’s house are many dwelling places. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you?”

We also have Paul’s statement in Romans 8:38-39 (I’ll let you look that one up).

The point is, we have a promise in Christ that death is not the end. For we, who believe and confess Jesus Christ is Lord, will be with him in eternity.

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So, while I miss my friends, I know that soon I will be seeing them again. I know that they are with Christ and we will all celebrate at the throne. This is my assurance.

But, there are many who don’t know. You probably have an idea of some who need to hear this good news.

With the troubles of these days, we don’t know what tomorrow will bring. So, why are there people who have not heard about Christ and his love for them?

This is where you and I come in. We still have time to share the Gospel.

You don’t have to be ordained or licensed to share the gospel of Christ. You don’t need a seminary degree to tell people that Jesus loves them. You don’t need any special gift other than the desire to see your friend or loved one in heaven.

We may never go back to the way it was before COVID hit, but we don’t have to. All we need to do is tell people about the loving, forgiving grace of Jesus Christ.

There is no reason why anyone should not hear of Christ. There are opportunities to share the good news in each and every one of our communities.

So, how about it? Can we join together, regardless of denomination or church affiliation, and share the gospel of Christ?

I think we can.

See you in church.

The Rev. Kent Wilfong is the pastor at the United Methodist Church, Doniphan/Neelyville.

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