September 2, 2016

To the Editor: All of us have heard the phrase, "get the lead out." We got the lead out, but I doubt most of you are going to like the results when you learn what this really means. We all know that lead poisoning is a very serious problem especially for intercity children. The toxic gas fumes are still a major problem from low lead aviation fuel. This exhaust is pouring out over our large cities, because that is where the airports are...

To the Editor:

All of us have heard the phrase, "get the lead out."

We got the lead out, but I doubt most of you are going to like the results when you learn what this really means.

We all know that lead poisoning is a very serious problem especially for intercity children. The toxic gas fumes are still a major problem from low lead aviation fuel. This exhaust is pouring out over our large cities, because that is where the airports are.

In 1978 lead was removed from paint, but there are still a few old homes with lead paint to chew off of the window sills. Most of the auto fuels after 1995 no longer use lead to increase the octane.

So what's the big problem? Most of us in Southeast Missouri live within 50 to 100 miles of Doe Run lead mine and smelting plant. Did you realize it is the only lead mine and smelter in the United States. The only other sources of lead are Peru, China and Australia. We can still mine the lead, but then it would have to be shipped overseas to smelt it and then shipped back. What do you think that would cost?

Pick up a car battery and think about the cost of shipping it half way around the world. How did this come about? In 2010 the autonomous organization EPA, who answers to no one in the government, arrived on the doorsteps of Doe Run. Over the next few years they raised the EPA regulations on the plant by tenfold. This amounted to over $100 million dollars to comply. There is no way to appeal an EPA decision. So the 120-year-old company that supplied all of the ammunition for the 20th century wars, is now forced to shut its doors. This will be completed in 2016.

Remember when Obama promised his minions that he was working on gun control behind the scenes? You can have all the guns you want, but if you don't have ammunition, they don't shoot very well. The Second Amendment has just become meaningless. The Government has been stockpiling ammunition for several years. They knew this was coming, but the general public has been kept in the dark until the last minute. What do you think about a cost of $3.75 per bullet (one round) for a 9mm round. A box of 50 rounds will now cost about $187.50. We are yet to learn what the requirements to buy shells will be.

Do we have a great president or not? He has spent 8 years moving the United States toward the Marxist, Socialist government of Europe. With the Affordable Care Act rapidly imploding, we will move to the marvelous European/French system where the "Dr" (paramedic) comes to your home to determine if you are sick enough to go to the hospital. No lab, no X-rays, no cardiogram, and minimal medication. Get the picture? Very low cost care.

Then when you are about to die, they take you to the hospital and explain to you how to die with dignity. Why do you think Congress is no longer trying to figure out how to pay for all of the medical care that would be required for US citizens over 72 years old. They are just going to refuse them care in or out of the hospital. If you are over 72 you are on your own.

We can sit and shake our heads, but it's already a done deal. You say it couldn't happen in the U.S. It has already happened. Read the Affordable Care Act. It's already the law!

We can stop teaching our children the Constitution and Bill of Rights, because when the very left wing Supreme Court gets in place, they are going to tear the Constitution to pieces, and we will be governed by Executive Order and Supreme Court actions. Soon we will no longer be a Democracy. Our religious rights, our churches, our freedom to pray, even at a funeral, will all be prohibited for political correctness of the one atheist in the service.

We have a slim chance to begin to reverse the tide in November. Many people say, "I'm just not going to vote." That is automatically a vote for the Obama/Clinton plan of government. If they win, we will not see a democracy again in our lifetime, if ever. Every person that joins the military swears to uphold and defend the Constitution. Someone needs to start rewriting this pledge.

Dr. Thomas A. Dodd

Poplar Bluff
