To the Editor:
Many thanks to the donating artists, the bidders and everyone who took part in last month’s Art for Animals silent auction to benefit the Animal Welfare Alliance (AWA). It looks like AWA cleared more than $9,000 on the event!
Very special thanks to Artfully Framed in the Bluff Estates Shopping Center; they framed and displayed all the donated artwork in their gallery. And gold stars to our local supporting sponsors: Creekside Studio of Art & Design, Key Drugs, Linda’s Performing Pups, Lisa Reynolds Insurance, Pelton Photography Services and Techie HQ.
Poplar Bluff rules!
AWA spends up to $2,000 a month on programs. With the cooperation of Poplar Bluff’s animal control officers, AWA helps provide vaccinations for puppies and kittens in the city’s facility.
We also provide $50 vouchers for qualifying pet owners to help with spay/neuter costs. Since its first full year of operation in 2009, AWA has spent more than $90,000 to help spay/neuter area dogs and cats!
Yours truly,
Marge VanPraag
AWA President