January 5, 2020

Let me begin by wishing each one of you happy new year. As we begin this new year, many thoughts come to mind for many people. Maybe this new year will bring many new opportunities. The possibilities of new and exciting adventures or maybe a new unexpected relationship. If you have never accepted Christ as your savior, then this new year can start off with a real new start...

By ROBERT RANDOLPH Highway Baptist Church

Let me begin by wishing each one of you happy new year.

As we begin this new year, many thoughts come to mind for many people. Maybe this new year will bring many new opportunities.

The possibilities of new and exciting adventures or maybe a new unexpected relationship. If you have never accepted Christ as your savior, then this new year can start off with a real new start.

The Bible teaches us in 2 Corinthians 5:17, “Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.”

This new creature is among other things a new start. Not often in this world does a person get a real second chance. With Jesus Christ this is possible.

Jesus said in John Chapter 3, “you must be born again.”

When I look back on my life, I remember when I got saved; I was given a second chance at life, a fresh start. In Christ alone is this possible.

People will not forget your past and often times will not forgive your past, but God will wipe it all away from the heavenly record.

In Hebrews 10:17, the Bible says, “And their sins and iniquities will I remember no more.”

My dear friend, in Jesus Christ, there is a fresh start.

Sometimes, we may need to refresh an old relationship that has become dull or routine.

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Often that is the case with our relationship with Christ. We sort of get used to it. The excitement and the fire tends to diminish, and it gets boring.

Dear Christian friend, this life with Christ does not have to be endured; it can be enjoyed. You can fall in love with Jesus all over again.

Oftentimes, the scripture refers to joy and rejoicing. Examine your walk with Christ and see why the fire has gone. Maybe its your studies, prayer life, maybe just a good old fashioned worship service will bring the joy back into your life. A service where the fire of God falls, and the presence of God doesn’t seem so distant, but rather feels present.

See, there are many reasons a relationship can get dull. Sometimes, we just get comfortable and stop trying. Sometimes, we get in a routine and forget how much we love and need the other person in the relationship.

It is possible to forget what life would be like without that person. The same is true in our relationship with Christ.

In our church here at Highway Baptist, the pews are full of people who needed a fresh start and found it here.

I want to encourage you during this new year to get a fresh start in your relationship with Christ.

If I may be of any assistance please contact me by email at bro.robert@hotmail.com, social media, our website at Highwaymbc.org or visit one of our services at Highway Baptist Church.


Dr. Robert Randolph is the founding pastor of Highway Baptist Church in Greenville, Mo. and a U.S. Navy veteran.


Editor’s Note: This is a regular series featuring area religious leaders writing about faith, family and community. To participate or suggest a church, contact us at news@darnews.com or 573-785-1414. The views expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of the DAR.

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