August 5, 2018

Hardy Billington has been called a bigot, had his vehicle vandalized and had his social media pages filled with comments since his views on same-sex relationships became a hot-button topic, prompting news articles and editorials around the state, and internationally, in the last two weeks...

Hardy Billington has been called a bigot, had his vehicle vandalized and had his social media pages filled with comments since his views on same-sex relationships became a hot-button topic, prompting news articles and editorials around the state, and internationally, in the last two weeks.

"You don't feel good when so many people hate you," Billington said after making the decision to speak on the matter, something he has declined to do before now.

While Billington has been reluctant to respond to critics of his viewpoints, he says he has not budged in his beliefs.

An Evangelical, conservative Republican, Billington is running for 152nd district representative against Robert Smith, a Catholic and self described conservative Democrat.

They are the only two candidates for the seat currently held by Speaker of the House Todd Richardson, who is prevented from running in the Nov. 6 election due to term limits.

Seated in his Vine Street law office, Smith, pauses, leans back in his chair and thinks before answering a question about how his opponent's views can be described.

Even he hesitates over the term "hate speech."

"He states his viewpoints on the basis of faith, but I have faith too, and I oppose those views," said Smith. "God's two commandments, 'love each other as you love yourself and to love Him with all your heart.' All the rest are trappings. If you go by those two commandments, I'm not going to hate people who believe different than me or act different than me or are of different sexual preferences."

Billington describes himself as a social and fiscal conservative, Christian Republican, or in other words, "very conservative."

Ironically, for two men so very different in their beliefs, Billington also reached first for his faith and "the two greatest commandments."

"God pretty well explained, everybody is your neighbor," he said. "I still have very strong religious beliefs that marriage is still between a man and woman. I still believe that."

But, he adds, "I do not have any personal animosity or hatred toward any individual who disagrees with me on these social and moral issues."

Billington said he would never push his religion on anyone.

"This is the greatest country in the world, where anybody can believe what they want to believe," he said.

Billington, a former Poplar Bluff school board president, said he believes a person's gender identity is biologically determined and not a matter of choice. Marriage should be between a man and a woman, and sexual relations outside of the marital relationship are morally wrong, he has said in this and previous campaigns for elected office.

The current controversy began when an old advertisement of Billington's resurfaced. It said a "homosexual lifestyle" was more dangerous than smoking.

Billington says he has not and would not consider being anything other than honest about those views.

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"You don't sacrifice who you are to get votes. You just don't. You've got to say what your principles are and what you believe in. So many other people do that and they give up who they are," Billington said. "I want to be who I am and let people know who I am."

It is another striking similarity between two opponents who might find few reasons to cross the aisle.

Smith has acknowledged his own views mean he has very little chance of winning an election in a county that hasn't voted for a Democratic president since 1992. The last Democrat holding a county seat will leave office in January.

"I understand it's a very red state, but I feel like I need to make a statement about what I believe in," said Smith. "This country was founded on religious freedom. The whole basis for our country. ...

"We shouldn't have to justify our life experiences to a baker or a grocer."

Billington, 65, believes in a state that passed a law in 2004 against recognizing same-sex marriages, he reflects the opinions of those in the district he wants to represent.

Smith, 68, also feels he shares views of people in the 152nd district that should be represented in Jefferson City.

"I think we are a caring people here, a Christian caring people," he said. "I think that needs to be reflected in our representative, not being divisive or mean spirited toward other people who don't think as we do.

"I think we're tired of being in people's bedrooms. I think we're past that now. What people do in their bedrooms is private and should remain that way. I think if we have government in our bedrooms, that's not American."

While few people have asked yet what these two candidates believe in beyond this issue, Smith says education should be a priority and might be a place both parties can find common ground.

"Without the education and training of our children, where are we going to get the leaders of tomorrow?" he asked. "Every child should have the same opportunities in this state, regardless of income. That would be a prime thing I think we should work on."

He also considers himself pro-life and supportive of the Second Amendment. Current laws regarding abortion require counseling and go as far as the constitution will allow, Smith said. He would like to see current gun laws enforced, and background checks for all gun purchases, including at gun shows.

Billington feels both parties should be able to able to find a way to work together on jobs.

He supports tariffs against China, a country he said has harmed industry like nail manufacturers through government subsidizing of products. These can then be sold below value in the United States, giving foreign companies an unfair advantage, he said.

It is a problem that has gone on for a long time and will take time to fix, he said.

Billington, who previously ran a heating and cooling business and currently owns rental property, is also concerned about health care and finding ways to be more transparent about those costs.

"I don't know all the answers, but there are answers out there. There won't be a silver bullet to answer all these questions. I just have to find all the information," Billington said. "You also have to get information from different people. You need to really listen to all sides."

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