June 28, 2017

DUDLEY, Mo. -- In 2008, W.W. Wood Products, Inc and its employees formed a partnership with OSHA. This partnership is a program called the "VPP," Voluntary Protection Program, which OSHA offers to all places of employment througsphout the United States. Since then, each year W.W. Wood Product, Inc. has been recognized and has received multiple awards on behalf of their participation in the VPP...

DUDLEY, Mo. -- In 2008, W.W. Wood Products, Inc and its employees formed a partnership with OSHA. This partnership is a program called the "VPP," Voluntary Protection Program, which OSHA offers to all places of employment througsphout the United States. Since then, each year W.W. Wood Product, Inc. has been recognized and has received multiple awards on behalf of their participation in the VPP.

Once again, because of their dedication to the safety of their employees and the VPP, W.W. Wood Products, Inc. Environmental Health and Safety Manager Michael Yount has been awarded the OSHA SGE of the year award for Region VII. Michael accepted the award May 10, 2017 at the Region VII Midwest Safety & Health conference in Kansas City, Mo. The Special Government Employee (SGE) Award recognizes an SGE who epitomizes and exhibits exceptional support, time, effort, and action, setting him/her apart from other SGEs. The person selected is actively involved in activities that benefit the VPP and its stakeholders, and demonstrates outstanding commitment to the partnership ideals of the VPP.

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According to OSHA, the Special Government Employee (SGE) Program was established to allow industry safety professionals to work alongside OSHA during VPP onsite evaluations at worksites throughout the United states and its territories. Not only does this innovative program benefit OSHA by supplementing its on-site evaluation teams, but it gives industry and government an opportunity to work together and share views and ideas.

EHS Manager Michael Yount says, "We feel the SGE program is pertinent to the ongoing success of our safety & health program. The valuable information I have learned from auditing other VPP sites has been very useful to us here at W.W. Wood Products and has helped create a safe work environment for all employed here. This award shouldn't reflect what I have accomplished, but what W.W. Wood Products encourages and supports me to do on behalf of the company and its commitment to safety. To have a good safety & health program you must have employee participation and a commitment from management and this award symbolizes the solid commitment W.W. Wood Products has to the safety and health of their employees."

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