May 24, 2017

From Staff Reports The flooding at Wappapello Lake hasn't washed away the Wappapello Lake Area Association's (WLAA) passion to keep activities and events going to draw visitor to the area. The group gathered May 16 at Bill Emerson Memorial Visitor Center to reschedule activities and plan additional events. The group discussed possibly offering activities for those who normally use recreational sites at Clearwater Lake and Van Buren until those areas are able to provide services again...

From Staff Reports

The flooding at Wappapello Lake hasn't washed away the Wappapello Lake Area Association's (WLAA) passion to keep activities and events going to draw visitor to the area.

The group gathered May 16 at Bill Emerson Memorial Visitor Center to reschedule activities and plan additional events. The group discussed possibly offering activities for those who normally use recreational sites at Clearwater Lake and Van Buren until those areas are able to provide services again.

CeCe Totten stated Clearwater Lake is closed until Labor Day. They have been receiving numerous phone calls about cabin rentals.

Andrew Jefferson explained the flood wreaked havoc at Clearwater and Van Buren. Many of their customers are looking for other places to visit. He shared ideas provided by Cynthia W. Jackson, operations manager.

Pastor Tim Schultz said more than 200 folks were shuttled to the Redman Creek Picnic Area during the first week of the May 2017 Flood. The church received approximately $300 in donations for the services.

In a flood update, Jennifer Morse said water started going over the auxiliary spillway May 1 and stopped May 8 cresting at 398.2 and maintaining a discharge of 10,000 cfs and loosing T Highway at 8 p.m, Monday May 1. Lake is dropping about one foot per day. 380 is the "Magical Lake Level". The discharge will continue to drop. Less water will go down stream. A temporary road is being constructed for official use only. It will also serve as a berm to prevent back water from delaying the repair of T Highway. This highway will be repaired as it was prior to this flood.

Jennifer Morse gave a brief update on the Wappapello Woodland Expo (WWE), which will be rescheduled. Three dates were offered: July 8, Aug. 14, and Oct. 7 and they selected July 8.

Gloria Triplett stated WLAA has nothing planned for the Independence Day Celebration July 1. Trevor Williams said the Peoples Community Bank would handle everything.

Vice chair Jonny Hayes stated no water entered WLAA's storage facility during the flood.

Rebekah Moore of the Mingo Job Corps SGA thanked WLLA for supporting the Student Government Association.

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The group discussed the tractor event with Jennifer Morse stating their tractor club still wants to do the tractor pull. The sled is scheduled/reserved July 1. However, Peoples Bank can't contribute personnel or money. There is a concern this activity would compete with the other scheduled activities. The event would run from 4-8 p.m. She will check with the tractor club for another/secondary date. If not this year, maybe next year.

Chaonia Volunteer Fire Department is interested in doing as many food concessions as possible.

Andrew stated the Lawn Mower Races are being rescheduled to take place sometime this fall. He discussed this option with the Patton, Mo., Lawn Mower Racing representative (Kenny Hoxworth).

Triplett and Cindy Crabb were authorized to continue taking care of the T-shirt orders.

Triplett and Morse will discuss WLAA procuring a 8 1/2" X 11" sign depicting the sale of T-shirts and commemorative medallions at the Visitor Center. Medallions are sold to WLAA members for $7 and non-members for $10.

Schultz said Little Brushy will put on an art contest entitled "Angel at the Lake." They are working with Cape Art Council and will receive entries through June 2017.

Morse stated she made contact with Mingo Job Corps about the FOL cut outs, but rain delayed the work effort.

Rebekah Moore invited everyone to the next Community Relations Meeting at the Mingo Job corps at 6 p.m. June 8.

Roy Ward attended the meeting and inquired about a MoDOT meeting concerning T Highway. He mentioned that he was on a "Fact Finding Mission" and MoDOT banned him from their social media page. He stated MoDOT was supposed to have public meetings at the Wappapello Eagles and Wappapello VFW. He also mentioned several signatures have been obtained on a petition and they are preparing to issue a law suit. He never identified who the law suit would be against. Andrew informed him that the Corps of Engineers is planning a couple of public meetings and will let the public know once the dates are established. He wanted to know whether or not St. Louis District Office folks would attend the meetings.

Other Board members present were Triplett and Totten. Trustees absent were Trevor Williams and Reid Brotherton.

Eighteen in Attendance: Ray Lewis, Joan Lewis, Trevor Totten, CeCe Totten, Gloria Triplett, Daniel Pierce, Rebekah Moore, Casey Rushing, Stephen Sutter, Jonny Hayes, Carol Beal, Richard Beal, Tim Schultz, Marie Oborne, Jan Brown, Jennifer Morse, Roy Ward and Andrew Jefferson.

The next meeting is scheduled for 6 p.m. Tuesday, June 13, 2017 at the Bill Emerson Memorial Visitor Center.

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