When I left home to Establish a home of own, my bride and I were as happy as two robins in a bush. I was proud of apartment that had become our home. Yet, at least once a week I went back home. Why? Because my roots were there-because of a dear, kindly affectionate mother who had given me life was there. The moment she saw me coming her face beamed with love and joy. She knew what I liked best to eat, and went about preparing it for dinner.
Then there was Dad, a good and godly man who had been an inspiration to me to live as he lived. His love and devotion to Mother and four sons and two daughters was clearly evident in the long years of hard labor, that he did to provide for them. Their home was not blessed with earthly goods, yet they were rich. Their wealth was far more enduring than material things. It consisted of their children, grandchildren and great grandchildren. As the years rolled they became old, and the visits of their children, grandchildren and great grandchildren became their chief joy-their best reason for clinging to life in a tired and worn body of more than 90 years.
Life finds it greatest joy and meaning in relationships-having someone to love and share life's joys and sorrows with. This is part of the Divine plan, not something we have learned or discovered. It was our Creator's intention that we love, appreciate and help each other. A recluse cannot find true happiness, for something fundamental to making life satisfying is missing-relationships in which there is loving, caring and sharing life's experiences.
Why will our park and streets be crowded with people during Homecoming? There are many minor motivations that bring them here. The carnival rides attract the children. Some would not want to miss the tasty sandwich that is unique to Puxico's Homecoming, the highly palatable goatburger. But I suspect the majority come hoping to meet friends they seldom see who have come back for the same purpose.
That is why people go back home-someone lives there they love and want to see.
Have a joy-filled Homecoming.