July 14, 2017

To the Editor, The Supreme Court is not helping any. Brian Fischer, columnist for the American Family Association, declared, "we are down to one branch of government." He asked two questions: 1. How did we reach the place where nobody knows what the law of the land is until the Supreme Court rules?...

To the Editor,

The Supreme Court is not helping any.

Brian Fischer, columnist for the American Family Association, declared, "we are down to one branch of government."

He asked two questions:

1. How did we reach the place where nobody knows what the law of the land is until the Supreme Court rules?

2. How did the Supreme Court acquire so much blatantly unconstitutional and immoral power?

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Fischer says "they stole it."

He points out that among the first words of the Constitution are .. "All legislative powers herein granted shall be vested in the Congress of the United States, which shall consist of the Senate and House of Representatives." Fischer says this clause was intended to make the legislative branch of government the supreme branch, since it alone was given authority to make laws.

When the Supreme Court legalized same-sex marriage, it opened the door. It is only a matter of time before it will have to legalize polygamy (more husbands and wives at the same time) and trios (3 people) or people that want to marry their pets. And if you think this could never be, what about the latest fad -- people marrying themselves! It is called sologamy. There is even a website called "Imarriedme.com" where you can purchase a sologamy kit.

Well, the Bible says in Romans 1:28, "God has delivered this nation over to a 'depraved mind.'"

Bob Fox

Patterson, Mo.

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