March 10, 2020

Turnout was light as voters went to the polls Tuesday to cast their ballots in Missouri’s presidential primary. “We had two people here before we opened at 6 o’clock,” said David Silverberg, an election judge in Ward 2. “It’s been slow since then, but it was expected to be slow.”...

Fay Biggs (right) signs her name to receive her ballot in Missouri's presidential primary Tuesday as Ward 4 election judge, Debbie Arnold, watches.
Fay Biggs (right) signs her name to receive her ballot in Missouri's presidential primary Tuesday as Ward 4 election judge, Debbie Arnold, watches.DAR/Michelle Friedrich

Turnout was light as voters went to the polls Tuesday to cast their ballots in Missouri’s presidential primary.

“We had two people here before we opened at 6 o’clock,” said David Silverberg, an election judge in Ward 2. “It’s been slow since then, but it was expected to be slow.”

Eleven voters, he said, cast ballots at 7 a.m., but by 7:45 a.m. fewer than 25 had voted.

Martinie Franks inserts her presidential primary ballot Tuesday morning in Ward 5.
Martinie Franks inserts her presidential primary ballot Tuesday morning in Ward 5.DAR/Michelle Friedrich

“Hopefully, we’ll reach 125 votes,” Silverberg said. “I’d like to be surprised; I’d like to see 200.”

In Ward 4, election judge, Gary Huggins said, turnout was good, with the heaviest turnout at about 7 a.m. as people voted before work.

Among those voting there was Fay Biggs, who was the 47th voter just after 8 a.m.

Jordan Wellinghoff checks his ballot before casting it Tuesday morning. Wellinghoff was the 23rd vote cast in Ward 2.
Jordan Wellinghoff checks his ballot before casting it Tuesday morning. Wellinghoff was the 23rd vote cast in Ward 2.DAR/Michelle Friedrich

Biggs said she voted to show her support for President Donald Trump.

“I support him in every way,” said Biggs. “ … I want to support my party, and that’s what is it.”

Biggs said she feels Trump will “go down as a great president in the future because he has accomplished everything he said he would.

“I think he has or has tried to (accomplish everything). That’s my opinion. I want to support him.”

Larry Leeds also cast his ballot for Trump.

“I think every election is important,” said Leeds. “I voted for Trump, voted Republican.”

According to Leeds, some people were confused about the primary and weren’t planning to vote because they didn’t think Trump was running. Some reportedly thought it was a Democratic primary only.

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“It’s a primary, but he’s still on the ballot,” Leeds said.

Like the primary, local municipal elections are important as “we’re voting” on “who will make changes in our community,” Leeds said. “If we don’t (vote), it ain’t no telling what is going to happen.”

Biggs agreed, adding that many were confusing the primary with April’s municipal election.

“I’ve been telling all my friends it’s one little circle, Democrat or Republican,” Biggs said. “Next month, you can come back and do it again.”

Martinie Franks agreed with Leeds as to the importance of voting in elections.

Ward 5 voters Faye Walmsley (left) and George Toombs mark their ballots Tuesday morning at the old armory.
Ward 5 voters Faye Walmsley (left) and George Toombs mark their ballots Tuesday morning at the old armory.DAR/Michelle Friedrich

“What is at stake here, we’ve got to do our part” by voting, said Franks, who was “a little disappointed” by the voter turnout, and people not coming out to vote.

“I’m really shocked there was no line,” Franks said, of when she voted in Ward 5.

Information about the primary, she said, was everywhere, including on Facebook and social media.

“I don’t understand,” Franks said. “It’s important that people have a choice.”

Ward 5 voter George Toombs also spoke of the importance of voting.

“I think it is very important that anyone exercise the right to vote,” Toombs said. “If we don’t get out and vote, we’re not exercising a gift given to us by our forefathers because that’s how America is.”

The freedom of democracy, according to Toombs, is very important.

Toombs was the 28th voter to cast his ballot in Ward 5, where election judge, Sharon Huett, said turnout was “steady, but slow.

“At 6 o’clock, we had a man here” waiting, she said.

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