Carmen Hoggard of Harviell has given blood every time she could since becoming an active donor in 1980. She was one of nearly 50 donors participating Tuesday in the Daily American Republic-sponsored American Red Cross drive. The event was held at the Greater Poplar Bluff Area Chamber of Commerce.
Hoggard, a retired nurse, understands the importance of donating and “knows what the need is” in the community as a former health care provider. She said her motivation amped up when her dad became a cancer patient who required blood products during his treatment. Hoggard is extremely grateful to those who donate blood and encourages people to not feel apprehensive about giving.
“There’s nothing to it,” she said.
Nearly every appointment time was filled during Tuesday’s event, according to Jordan Picker, Red Cross team supervisor. He said over 40 units of blood were collected and turnout was “very good.” Picker remarked how the Poplar Bluff community is always willing to host and support blood drive events.
Being charitable to others is the inspiration Larry Cooper of Poplar Bluff had in giving blood for the 35th time. A doctor once told him giving blood was healthy, as it helps the body’s blood cells regenerate. Cooper noted that by giving blood he simply feels physically better. Health is an important reason to donate blood, he said, but “giving to others” means more.
“Somebody’s gonna need it,” Cooper added.
DAR staff members volunteered to man the registration table throughout the day’s event. Editor Donna Farley said her passion for the cause comes from her family’s connection in receiving life-saving blood during emergency medical procedures.
“My donation has a name, or rather many names. Liam, Caydyn, Charles, Becky, Mandy, Kathy. My sister, Becky, the mother of two of my nephews, Mandy, and my mother, Kathy, all delivered children during emergency cesareans. Liam, 3, Caydyn, 11, and Charles, 36, are the children born from those emergency deliveries,” noted Farley.
“On Tuesday, I had the privilege of helping the Red Cross collect a small fraction of the nearly 5 million units of blood they gather annually to serve more than 2,600 hospitals across the nation. It’s not hard to see the living proof of the importance of these donations right in front of me, in Liam’s love of learning letters and numbers, Caydyn as he navigates junior high dance or my brother as he raises his rambunctious sons,” added Farley.
She wished to “thank everyone who came out and donated blood today and the DAR staff members who helped make today possible, as well as all of the Red Cross workers who do this every day. Thank you to everyone who is ensuring the next Liam, Rylan and Charles, Becky, Mandy and Kathy, have the life-saving blood they need during the worst emergencies of their lives.”