January 21, 2022

The Point in Time Count, an annual count of sheltered and unsheltered homeless populations, is being delayed because of an increase in COVID cases. Originally planned for Wednesday, Jan. 26, the event will be rescheduled. Tammie Bratton of Family Counseling wants volunteers to know about the delay so they will not show up Wednesday to help with the count as planned...

The Point in Time Count, an annual count of sheltered and unsheltered homeless populations, is being delayed because of an increase in COVID cases. Originally planned for Wednesday, Jan. 26, the event will be rescheduled.

Tammie Bratton of Family Counseling wants volunteers to know about the delay so they will not show up Wednesday to help with the count as planned.

For 2022, Family Counseling will lead the count for the five counties of Butler, Wayne, Ripley, Carter and Stoddard.

While the delay date has not been finalized, Bratton said, “We know that it’s going to be late February or early March.”

To complete the point-in-time count, county leaders need community volunteers to help complete surveys. Anyone interested in volunteering can call Bratton at 573-686-1200 Ext. 3289.

The Point in Time Count is an initiative to count the homeless population throughout Missouri counties. The homeless population census will assess the number of homeless individuals and families following regulations set forth by the Department of Housing and Urban Development.

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The survey is set up to be completely anonymous, with no personal identifiers for the homeless. The anonymity is to encourage participation, as many homeless people have “pasts.” The federal government approaches them with an anonymous survey to determine the demographic mix of gender, race, sexual orientation, age, and the specific issue contributing to their homeless status.

Nationally, $350 billion has been approved for state and local funding to help the homeless with housing, food, medical/dental, mental/rehabilitation, etc.

The figures will be used to assist programs to help homeless people rejoin society as productive members, officials said. The grants are funded based on the Point In Time (PIT) count.

It is the only metric the federal government has to determine the size, location and mix of the homeless population, as it is a fluid demographic, the program reports. The PIT count in Poplar Bluff will determine the size and programs to which grants are awarded.

Normally, HUD requires the count occur biennially during the last 10 days of January to gauge progress toward national goals of reducing and ending homelessness. In addition to the biennial count required by HUD, the Missouri Balance of State Continuum of Care conducts an annual count to better track trends and needs of individuals and families experiencing homelessness.

Community Partnership of Southeast Missouri Lead Agency Team said, Friday, Jan. 21, the agency reached out to HUD to request an extension to execute the count.

“HUD has granted the waiver for the Point in Time Count,” the press release said. “The count will be rescheduled and pushed back to late February or early March. The board is working to coordinate our count with other CoCs to ensure accurate reporting. The lead agency will keep you posted on the new date as soon as the board makes a decision. Again, in the interest of safety for people experiencing homelessness, our agencies, and our volunteers, there will be no PIT count on Jan. 26.”

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