The United Cancer Assistance Network will accept T-shirt names for the annual Sarah White Walk until Monday, Feb. 13.
“The walk shirts will contain the names of survivors, as well as those who have passed during their battles,” said UCAN Executive Director Melody Chailland.
The recent ice storm is the reason the deadline is being extended, said Chailland.
The walk on Saturday, April 29, will honor White, as well as many other cancer patients. White battled cancer with courage and grace, according to UCAN.
To submit a name, the cancer patient most reside or have resided within Butler, Stoddard, Wayne or Ripley counties, the area UCAN serves, Chailland said.
The event began in 2012, and “we started putting names on T-shirts in 2015,” Chailland said.
There are no fees to walk. The walk is to remember cancer patients, and raise awareness and funds to help patients battling cancer.
Whoever adds a name must participate in the UCAN walk. The number of names on the shirts varies year to year, but it has always been over 100. There is no cost to add a loved one.
The shirts cost are $15 and $20 each.
“The amount of submissions we can accept are limited, so call 573-776-1892 today,” Chailland said.
All the money used by UCAN is raised locally and, according to Chailland, the group receives no grant funding. The funds assist local cancer patients financially in the form of fuel cards, nutrition, utilities, wigs or transportation. While UCAN fills a financial gap, the program is designed to provide individualized support for patients. When patients come into the UCAN office, they are greeted by volunteers whose lives have been touched by cancer. Often developing personal relationships, volunteers and patients uplift each other during visits, members have said.
Since UCAN is a 501(c)3 organization, donations are tax deductible. Anyone wanting to make donations or memorials may mail or drop them by the office at 2620 N Westwood Blvd., Poplar Bluff, MO., 63901-3396.