July 22, 2019

The Twin Rivers R-X school board met Monday afternoon to discuss policy changes, approve bids for work during the year and approve new coaches. The board approved three new policy changes during the meeting, two of which are in response to Missouri voters approving the use of medical marijuana late last year. All three policy changes were recommended or required by the Missouri Consultants for Education LLC...

The Twin Rivers R-X school board met Monday afternoon to discuss policy changes, approve bids for work during the year and approve new coaches.

The board approved three new policy changes during the meeting, two of which are in response to Missouri voters approving the use of medical marijuana late last year. All three policy changes were recommended or required by the Missouri Consultants for Education LLC.

When it comes to marijuana use, the board approved a policy in relation to student use and another in relation to employee use.

For students, the policy now states that nobody besides the caregiver of a student can administer marijuana to a student. The policy also advises caregivers to administer the medication at home. If it does need to be administered at school, the caregiver will need to provide their student’s principal with “valid authorization to use medical marijuana” and a doctor’s note confirming that the student needs to medication during school hours. The principal will then provide the caregiver a private place to administer the medication. Marijuana will not be stored at school. This is now the policy for use on school premises, on school transportation or at school sponsored activities.

For employees, the new policy keeps them from distributing or administering to students. Employees certified for medical marijuana will not be allowed to use it while on school premises, on school transportation or at school sponsored activities. However, employees with a medical marijuana card may use it away from work.

The final new policy is about the food service program and added non-discrimination language, which is now mandatory by the Department of Agriculture and enforced by the Department for Elementary and Secondary Education.

In addition to these policies the board voted to re-adopt its Conflict of Resolution Policy, which is voted on every three years. The policy states that the board cannot employ one of its own members, board members will not participate in discussion or vote of hiring a person related to them and the board will “at all times make good faith efforts to avoid the appearance of a conflict of interest.”

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__Bids for services__

In getting ready for the new school year, the board approved several bids for regular goods and services required to keep the schools functional.

For food, the board approved renewing contract with Prairie Farms for milk and going into contract with US Foods for all other food needs.

The board approved paying $230.01 a month for Bakers Termite and Pest Control, which is a little more than had been previously spent with its last pest control company. Additionally, it approved a bid of $1.08 per gallon of gas from Southeast Cooperative and $75 per 1,000 gallons of septic use with C&S Septic Services, LLC.

__New hires__

The board voted on several new coaches for softball and baseball. Ryan Medlin will take on the role of head softball coach with Casey Parsons as the assistant softball coach. Cody Coleman will be the assistant baseball coach.

Additionally, Samantha Chamberlin will be a kindergarten teacher on the Fisk campus.

Parson was the only non-unanimous vote with 5 in favor and 1 against.

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