August 22, 2018

BROSELEY -- An Early Childhood program is on track to begin at the Fisk and Qulin campuses the first of next year, according to administration at Twin Rivers R-X. "The exciting thing for us now is we know it's coming in January," Qulin Principal Seth McBroom said Tuesday at the monthly school board meeting...

BROSELEY -- An Early Childhood program is on track to begin at the Fisk and Qulin campuses the first of next year, according to administration at Twin Rivers R-X.

"The exciting thing for us now is we know it's coming in January," Qulin Principal Seth McBroom said Tuesday at the monthly school board meeting.

During the June board of education meeting, McBroom proposed moving fourth grade students at the Qulin campus to accommodate Early Childhood students. Other options are being considered now, he said.

With staff retiring, options within the building have become available, he said, but will be discussed during next week's staff committee meeting.

If fourth grade students were to be moved the following year, McBroom said letters would be sent home to this year's third grade parents by January to avoid any surprises next year.

By next month's board meeting, McBroom anticipates being able to confirm the space and potentially hiring an Early Childhood teacher by November.

"It's just a matter of setting it up and doing it the right way to start out so we are not scrambling and moving in years to come," he said.

As for an Early Childhood Program space at the Fisk campus, Superintendent Jeremy Siebert reported the daycare building across from the Fisk parking lot is a possible lease option.

"We are still getting all the information from DESE (Department of Elementary and Secondary Education), but the way we understand it now is we will be reimbursed for a lease, but not a purchase," he said.

Board President Jeff Arnold said the daycare building is "set up prefect" for the potential Early Childhood program and praised administration for their work in beginning programs at Fisk and Qulin.

Board member Roger Baxter asked if there was an idea of the number of children looking to take advantage of the programs.

"In my opinion, I think easily Qulin would be able to fill two (classes)," McBroom said.

Fisk Principal Leean Mann agreed, adding she knew of five or six children at this time.

"It's still evolving, but it's an exciting time on both ends," Siebert said. "I think we are heading in the right direction."

Tax Rate

The board unanimously voted to set the tax rate at $3.0397 per $100 of assessed valuation, slightly increasing from last year's rate of $3.0279.

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"It's about a cent higher than last year," Siebert said.

The increased tax levy will keep revenues about the same, at $1,832,070, since the assessment value increased this year. Real estate assessed valuation came in at $51,157,644 and personal property at $16,941,865.

Fencing Bids

The board voted to accept bids for various fencing projects district wide.

Areas included are the Qulin Middle School playground, the grassy area at the high school near the sign, behind the Qulin Elementary building to include trees, the Fisk drop-off area and areas of the baseball field.

Siebert said he would accept bids until the third week of September, ahead of the next board meeting.

During administrator reports, Siebert said enrollment was at 890 students district wide. Mann reported enrollment at Fisk had increased this year at 365 students, while McBroom said enrollment at Qulin was down at this time with 272 students.

High School Principal Misti Lovelace reported the first Royal Registration event went great.

"Close to 85 percent of families attended," she said. "I consider it a very successful day."

Board member David Dugger said he heard nothing but good things and praise for counselor Christina Miller's hard work on the event.

Lovelace also reported a new concept being implemented districtwide which will hopefully carry into the community.

TR Tuesdays was kicked off this week by encouraging everyone to wear royal blue.

While the schools are located in three different towns, Lovelace reminded Twin Rivers is one district and hopes this will be a way to get the community involved and school minded.

"I would love for this to spread to the businesses," she said.

During executive session, the board unanimously hired Denise Barker for part-time business teacher, Cathy Norred for physical education at Fisk during the first semester, Christina Miller as testing director and Rebecca Shoveline as Fisk custodian. Manda Hequembourg was also hired as testing director with Dugger abstaining.

The next Twin Rivers R-X Board of Education meeting will be held at 7 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 18 at the Central Office board room.

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