March 1, 2019

During a normal afternoon of classes at Three Rivers College earlier this week, faculty were surprised when receiving an unexpected knock on their door. The “Prize Patrol” stormed classrooms full of students to present oversized checks to faculty from the Endowment Trust to fund four employee grants...

Three Rivers College Career Studies and Workforce Development instructor Heather Cornman was surprised by her students and the “Prize Patrol” upon being selected as a recipient of the Excellence Fund.
Three Rivers College Career Studies and Workforce Development instructor Heather Cornman was surprised by her students and the “Prize Patrol” upon being selected as a recipient of the Excellence Fund. DAR/Denise Kinder

During a normal afternoon of classes at Three Rivers College earlier this week, faculty were surprised when receiving an unexpected knock on their door.

The “Prize Patrol” stormed classrooms full of students to present oversized checks to faculty from the Endowment Trust to fund four employee grants.

“Often times we only think in terms of student scholarships, the Excellence Fund is simply a different approach. It is still a great benefit to our students,” Three Rivers College Endowment Trust Board Member Christy Frazier-Moore said. “As a banker, I see budget restraints every day in homes, businesses and in the community.” 

The “Prize Patrol” surprised Dr. Kathy Prejean (left) while teaching a science class at Three Rivers College to inform her she was selected as a recipient of the Excellence Fund to purchase dissecting microscopes. The Excellence Fund was awarded to four TRC faculty members to benefit the faculty just as much as the students.
The “Prize Patrol” surprised Dr. Kathy Prejean (left) while teaching a science class at Three Rivers College to inform her she was selected as a recipient of the Excellence Fund to purchase dissecting microscopes. The Excellence Fund was awarded to four TRC faculty members to benefit the faculty just as much as the students. DAR/Denise Kinder

The Excellence Fund assists TRC faculty in providing funds to purchase items or attend valuable conferences that may not be covered in their budget. 

“We want our students to have the best experience while attending Three Rivers College,” Frazier-Moore said. “This is one of those pieces that helps the overall success of our staff and students.”

In the third year of making grant awards to faculty, the Excellence Fund supplied over $5,500 to instructors for equipment and professional development and over $18,000 since its inception.

TRC Endowment Trust Board Member Allen Brooks (left) along with other members of the “Prize Patrol” surprised math instructor Kevin Wheeler (right) during one of his classes to let him know he had been selected as a recipient of the Excellence Fund.
TRC Endowment Trust Board Member Allen Brooks (left) along with other members of the “Prize Patrol” surprised math instructor Kevin Wheeler (right) during one of his classes to let him know he had been selected as a recipient of the Excellence Fund. DAR/Denise Kinder

“The purpose of these grants are to really fund items that were either cut from the budget or to allow for those emergency things that come up through the year,” Three Rivers College Director of Development Michelle Reynolds said. “We are pleased with what we have been able to do over the last three years, and of course we would always love to do more.”

Math and science instructor Dr. Kathy Prejean was awarded a grant for dissecting microscopes. Kevin Wheeler in the mathematics department received funds to purchase SurfacePro 6. Career Studies and Workforce Development instructor Heather Cornman was awarded a grant to attend a conference on the Young Years. Amanda Taylor of Academic and Career Outreach Services received funds to purchase training mannequins with CPR monitor.

“This is one of my favorite days,” Reynolds said. “I love the days we are able to award scholarships to students too, but this benefits students just as much.”

Three Rivers College Executive Assistant to Chief Academic Officer Edie Dilbeck accepted Amanda Taylor’s check from the “Prize Patrol” to purchase training manikins with CPR monitor. Taylor was teaching at the TRC Sikeston location during the presentation. From left, TRC President Dr. Wesley Payne, Endowment Trust Board Member Allen Brooks, Endowment Trust Board Member Christy Frazier-Moore, Dilbeck and TRC Director of Development Michelle Reynolds.
Three Rivers College Executive Assistant to Chief Academic Officer Edie Dilbeck accepted Amanda Taylor’s check from the “Prize Patrol” to purchase training manikins with CPR monitor. Taylor was teaching at the TRC Sikeston location during the presentation. From left, TRC President Dr. Wesley Payne, Endowment Trust Board Member Allen Brooks, Endowment Trust Board Member Christy Frazier-Moore, Dilbeck and TRC Director of Development Michelle Reynolds. DAR/Denise Kinder
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Eleven requests were received this year for the Excellence Fund, totally just over $18,000 in requests. The application process is open to all faculty and staff.

“The employees turn in a form, almost like an essay on what they are wanting, how much and why,” Frazier-Moore said. “We look at each application very closely and really try to spread the dollars as much as we can. We try to evaluate the true value of the request in terms of how it will benefit our students.”

Money for the Excellence Fund is raised through several fundraisers including events at Buffalo Wild Wings and Brick Oven Pizza.

Mathematics instructor Kevin Wheeler accepts a check to purchase SurfacePro 6 thanks to the Excellence Fund from the TRC Endowment Trust. From left, TRC Director of Development Michelle Reynolds, Endowment Trust Board Member Christy Frazier-Moore, Wheeler, Endowment Trust Board Member Allen Brooks and TRC President Dr. Wesley Payne.
Mathematics instructor Kevin Wheeler accepts a check to purchase SurfacePro 6 thanks to the Excellence Fund from the TRC Endowment Trust. From left, TRC Director of Development Michelle Reynolds, Endowment Trust Board Member Christy Frazier-Moore, Wheeler, Endowment Trust Board Member Allen Brooks and TRC President Dr. Wesley Payne. DAR/Denise Kinder

Raise a Glass to Excellence was held for the second year to help raise funds and awareness for the specific area of need as well. 

“We just wrapped up our second (Raise a Glass to Excellence) in December and it was a great success,” Frazier-Moore said. “It is a private event held in a community member’s home that has a connection with Three Rivers College. This year Poplar Bluff Regional Medical Center came on board as one of our sponsors and handled all of the catering, it was amazing.”

Reynolds said contributions are also donated which are earmarked for this purpose as well as the TRC family campaign where staff members donate each spring.

Math and science instructor Dr. Kathy Prejean accepts a check to purchase dissecting microscopes thanks to the Excellence Fund from the TRC Endowment Trust. From left, TRC President Dr. Wesley Payne, TRC Director of Development Michelle Reynolds, Prejean, Endowment Trust Board Member Christy Frazier-Moore, and Endowment Trust Board Member Allen Brooks.
Math and science instructor Dr. Kathy Prejean accepts a check to purchase dissecting microscopes thanks to the Excellence Fund from the TRC Endowment Trust. From left, TRC President Dr. Wesley Payne, TRC Director of Development Michelle Reynolds, Prejean, Endowment Trust Board Member Christy Frazier-Moore, and Endowment Trust Board Member Allen Brooks. DAR/Denise Kinder

Anyone interested in being a part of the Endowment Trust Board or with fundraising ideas can contact Reynolds at 573-840-9077 or

TRC President Dr. Wesley Payne praised the Endowment Trust’s support of this program.

“Their support makes a lot of difference in the day-to-day operation of the college and the tools and supplies that our faculty have to go that extra mile that they are so willing to do,” he said.

Three Rivers College Career Studies and Workforce Development instructor Heather Cornman accepts a check to attend a conference on the Young Years thanks to the Excellence Fund from the TRC Endowment Trust. From left, TRC Director of Development Michelle Reynolds, Endowment Trust Board Member Allen Brooks, Endowment Trust Board Member Christy Frazier-Moore, Cornman and TRC President Dr. Wesley Payne.
Three Rivers College Career Studies and Workforce Development instructor Heather Cornman accepts a check to attend a conference on the Young Years thanks to the Excellence Fund from the TRC Endowment Trust. From left, TRC Director of Development Michelle Reynolds, Endowment Trust Board Member Allen Brooks, Endowment Trust Board Member Christy Frazier-Moore, Cornman and TRC President Dr. Wesley Payne. DAR/Denise Kinder
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