June 4, 2020

Butler County residents received two notifications of new COVID-19 confirmed positive cases Thursday, bringing the county’s total up by three.

Pandemic coronavirus covid-19 worldwide, concept. Elements of this image furnished by NASA
Pandemic coronavirus covid-19 worldwide, concept. Elements of this image furnished by NASA

Butler County residents received two notifications of new COVID-19 confirmed positive cases Thursday, bringing the county’s total up by three.

The county is now at 45 positive cases since mid-March. Two cases were announced Thursday morning and the third was announced at 2 p.m.

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As of Wednesday afternoon, 28 patients were considered recovered and 14 were recommended to self isolate. That information has not been updated with the three latest cases.

Presiding Circuit Judge Michael Pritchett said during an interview for another article that one of the new positive cases is a county employee who works in the courthouse. Pritchett and other county leaders met Thursday to discuss procedure changes and precautions to take. Further details were not available as of 4 p.m. Thursday.

The state is at 13,767 confirmed cases, as of 4 p.m. Thursday, and 786 deaths, according to health.mo.gov.

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