November 22, 2017

It is Thanksgiving time and I am glad-I have so much for which to be thankful. I am thankful that we as a nation, despite all the crime, corruption, indifference toward God, and distorted sense of values among many of our people, designate one day each year as a day for public expression of our gratitude unto God for His many mercies and blessings, His bountiful material resources and a rich Christian heritage...

It is Thanksgiving time and I am glad-I have so much for which to be thankful. I am thankful that we as a nation, despite all the crime, corruption, indifference toward God, and distorted sense of values among many of our people, designate one day each year as a day for public expression of our gratitude unto God for His many mercies and blessings, His bountiful material resources and a rich Christian heritage.

The true spirit of Thanksgiving springs from a keen sense of awareness-of the glory, greatness, goodness and grace of God. Although we may often sin, become neglectful and prove ourselves unworthy of God's love, yet we are reminded Jesus Christ, His Son, came into our sinful world and willingly and lovingly gave His life on Calvary's cross to redeem us. Should not this realization of the depth of His love stir within us a deep sense of gratitude.

Thanksgiving should not only bring unto us an awareness of God's infinite love, goodness, and grace, but also that we do not and cannot stand alone. We are to some extent interdependent on each other. There are times when we need a helping hand, and times when we are glad to lend one, and be grateful unto God for each other.

We need to pause occasionally from our overly busy lives to ponder on our great Christian heritage. We have proudly claimed to be a nation under God, but we have forces definitely trying to move us off of that foundation and turn us into a purely secular nation. God forbid.

I doubt that we will feel the same depth of gratitude our pilgrim fathers did, even though about all they had to be grateful for was the survival of a harsh winter and the harvest of a small crop.

Have a happy Thanksgiving with family, friends and your Lord.
