October 31, 2017

During the exodus of the Israelites from Egyptian slavery we read an interesting story of a crisis that arose about the lack of water. There were 600,000 men old enough to bear arms besides the women and children. If every man had a wife and two children there would have been 1,800,000 people that needed water to drink and for other needs. ...

During the exodus of the Israelites from Egyptian slavery we read an interesting story of a crisis that arose about the lack of water. There were 600,000 men old enough to bear arms besides the women and children. If every man had a wife and two children there would have been 1,800,000 people that needed water to drink and for other needs. There was no way they could have carried enough water from Egypt to meet their needs. The situation became desperate and the people began to complain to Moses, their leader, saying, Would to God you had left us in Egypt, at least our slave master provided water for us. And Moses besought the Lord about the situation and the Lord told him to take the rod he had used to part the Red Sea and smite a rock and water would come forth to give them life. This is a beautiful story of the love and providence of God for his people.

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There is another rock, the Rock that was smitten by sinful men to quench the spiritual thirst of the human race, the Christ Jesus, who is also the Son of God. Of course, the men that caused Him to be crucified (His own people), nor the Roman soldiers that actually did the crucifixion, were aware they were crucifying the one that had come to earth to become their Savior by shedding His blood on Calvary's cross. When Jesus had drawn the good confession from Peter saying, "Thou art the Christ son of the living God." Jesus said, "On this rock, the irrefutable fact or truth that he was the Christ, the anointed of God to bring salvation to lost humanity upon the acceptance of Him as Savior and Lord, I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it." Matthew 16:16-18. Jesus as the rock foundation of the church had to be smitten--His blood had to shed that atonement for our sins might be made for our sins. What a supreme sacrifice He made to offer us (mankind) salvation from our sins and eternal life. He did it in vain, if you have not accepted Him as your Savior.

I would not want to live without him.

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