May 17, 2017

No one likes to get a call at midnight for we are afraid it will be bad news--something we do not want to face. Jesus told a parable about 10 virgins among which five were wise and five were foolish. The wise were deemed wise because they had foresight enough to take along some extra oil. ...

No one likes to get a call at midnight for we are afraid it will be bad news--something we do not want to face.

Jesus told a parable about 10 virgins among which five were wise and five were foolish. The wise were deemed wise because they had foresight enough to take along some extra oil. This represents, perhaps, the building of a spiritual reservoir for our lives by worship, prayer and the study of God's word when we are unable to worship. The five foolish ones were foolish because they took no oil but that which was in their lamps. As they all waited, a cry went out at midnight, "Behold, the Bridegroom cometh, go ye out to meet him." Matthew 25:6. They all arose and trimmed their lamp wicks to brighten their light to walk by, and the foolish virgins said unto the wise ones, "Give us (some) of your oil; for our lamps are gone out (going out R. V.), but they said, not so; lest there be not enough for us and you; go ye rather to them that sell, and buy for yourselves. And while they went to buy oil the bridegroom came; and they that were ready went in with him to the marriage; and the door was shut." Vs. 8-10.

It was not because the wise virgins were selfish or unfeeling but that it is impossible for anyone to share their salvation. Oh, how I wish I could with some of my friends, but they must obtain it from the only one that can give it, Jesus Christ, God's only begotten Son, who came and gave his life as their Savior and Lord. That is why at 93 I cannot lay down my Bible and relax a while. Some day the door will shut for many of ,my friends and loved ones, and as Jesus said, "I must do the work of Him who sent Me, for the night soon cometh when no man work."

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Let us remember that God's mercy and grace are always available to anyone that believes in Jesus Christ a being his Son, repents of his sins, acknowledges his faith and submits to Christian baptism will be saved. But, whether we do that or not, when the call comes, be it at midnight or midday, we shall answer it whether prepared or not.

It is quite conceivable that some night we will be awakened by a blast of a trumpet that may be signal that Jesus has returned for his bride--the church.

Will you be taken or left behind?

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