September 25, 2018

There is a universal hunger and thirst of humanity for something more than the wealth of the world, the satisfying of the appetite and the gratifying of the lust of the flesh or for power can give. It is beyond the grasp of the hand or even the intellect for it is a spiritual urge to reach out and find communion with and acceptance of the divine Spirit-God. ...

There is a universal hunger and thirst of humanity for something more than the wealth of the world, the satisfying of the appetite and the gratifying of the lust of the flesh or for power can give. It is beyond the grasp of the hand or even the intellect for it is a spiritual urge to reach out and find communion with and acceptance of the divine Spirit-God. That is what Christianity is about-reconciling mankind to God-and that can be done only through each person's own personal faith in and obedience to Jesus Christ. After Andrew had met with Jesus, he was so impressed he sought his brother Simon and introduced him to Jesus; not because he thought Simon was lost for up to this time he had no concept of being spiritually lost because he was convinced that Jesus must be the long awaited Messiah whom he and his people hoped would restore their nation and reign as their king.

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In his coming, Jesus showed us what God would be like were he a man. He demonstrated how we should live, how we should love and how we should give our selves in humble obedience to his will and to the service of our fellowmen. In dying, he took upon himself the penalty of our sins, tasting death for every man then conquering it by his resurrection, assuring us of a resurrection unto eternal life if we accept him as our Lord and Savior. He will not force himself upon anyone, but the invitation rings out "Bring your sin stained life unto Me, and I will cleanse it of all guilt and shame: gather up the fragments of your broken life, I will put it together again." We are living in a time of fragmented lives. Crime is rampant in our land, and many homes are broken with drink and drugs in many areas, injustice abounds, and millions starve while others live in luxury. God's name is profaned carelessly by many. The Bible, though revered by most of the people, yet is not looked to for the answer to our problems. The call of Christ is going out to every heart and life; are you listening and responding? If you have responded, are you enjoying the abundant life in his service?

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