April 16, 2020

The Agee Community Club met in April by way of a conference call due to the Missouri stay-at-home order.

The Agee Community Club met in April by way of a conference call due to the Missouri stay-at-home order.

Nickey Orton served as hostess for the meeting. Club President Cathy Womack opened the meeting as the group repeated the club motto “When the heart is full of love the world is full of beauty.”

Invocation was offered by Jeanie Figgins. Devotional was read by Nadine Johnson from Psalms 73: 1-9. Orton read “Worry Free” from the Daily Bread magazine.

Roll call was answered by stating what members are doing during the quarantine. Figgins read the secretary and treasurers reports.

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There was no old business and Johnson will host next month’s meeting.

Womack read a poem from belated honorary club member Orel Smith’s poetry book “April Ran.”

In advance of the meeting, members received copies of the Black River Times and Johnson’s lesson “Tips for reducing viruses in your life,” by Dr. Irene Ken. Figgins emailed photos of teddy bears she is making from washcloths to the ladies.

Members read multiple articles from the Black River Times.

There was no door prize since the meeting was not done in person. The ladies dismissed with repeating the club collect, “Be Still and Know that I am God,” Psalms 46:10

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