November 8, 2017

I believe it is fitting and proper that we as a people set aside a day designated as Thanksgiving Day. It causes us to pause from our overly busy lives to reflect upon the blessings we receive that makes life good and desirable, recognizing it has its source in God. ...

I believe it is fitting and proper that we as a people set aside a day designated as Thanksgiving Day. It causes us to pause from our overly busy lives to reflect upon the blessings we receive that makes life good and desirable, recognizing it has its source in God. Thankfulness is a way of life. An ungrateful person can never find lasting happiness. For an ungrateful heart can never be satisfied. It is like a raging fire that continues to reach out for more to burn. Gifts, or blessings, received with gratitude on the other hand enable us to accept them without sparking within us a greed for more.

When Jesus instituted the Lord's Supper, He gave thanks for the cup, which was a representation of His own blood, as if to thank the Father for permitting Him to shed His own blood for the redemption of mankind. Matthew 26:27.

It is good to give thanks unto the Lord because He is worthy of our most humble and sincere expressions of gratitude. It is good to give thanks unto God as our heavenly Father for He is the source of our life and love without which life would have little meaning; for material wealth, power and prestige can vanish while true love remains to sustain us. It is good to give thanks unto our God because it shows the quality of our love for our heavenly Father's love and providence.

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The Psalmist said: "It is good to give thanks unto the Lord, and to sing praises unto the most High: to show forth Thy loving kindness in the morning, and Thy faithfulness every night. For Thou, Lord, hast made me glad through Thy work: I will triumph through the work of Thy hands." 92:1, 2, 4. Are we not glad the Lord has touched our lives making us instruments of His love and grace? Are we not glad to be used of Him to bring others to Christ?

Space will not permit me to try to enumerate all the things for which I am thankful so I will say with the Apostle Paul, "In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus Concerning you." 1 Thessalonians 5:18.

Have a happy, glorious day of giving thanks--Thanksgiving.

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