June 18, 2022

Temple Baptist Church is giving local children a chance learn and have fun at a vacation Bible school scheduled for June 20-24, at their location at 1813 Barron Road. “It’s open to kids grades four to six,” said Assistant Bible School Director Faith Garrett. “And it’s free.”...

Albert Morrow

Temple Baptist Church is giving local children a chance learn and have fun at a vacation Bible school scheduled for June 20-24, at their location at 1813 Barron Road.

“It’s open to kids grades four to six,” said Assistant Bible School Director Faith Garrett. “And it’s free.”

Registration is at the door of the church and the school will take place in the evenings from 6-8:30 p.m.

“There will be crafts, music, games and a missions workshop,” said Garrett.

The theme for the Bible school is Sparks Studio-Created in Christ, Designed for God’s Purpose.

Each of the five days of the school has a title such as God, the Creator, Jesus, the Redeemer and Holy Spirit, the Helper and an associated daily lesson. Each day will begin with a group worship service where the lesson for the day is presented.

The children will then progress through the Sparks Studio rotation sites: Crafts Design Center, Missions Workshop, Worship Rally Imaginarium, Bible Study Studio, Music Sound Stage and Recreation Station. At each station the children will do activities that reinforce the lesson of the day. They will craft keepsakes to remind them of the lessons, sing songs with Biblical themes and play games that teach through having fun.

There will also be an evening meal provided by the ladies of the church.

The vacation Bible school isn’t the only public event Temple Baptist has planned for June.

“We’re starting the weekend before the VBS with a block party,” said Garrett.

There will be face painting, games, bounce houses and hot dogs at the church from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday, June 18. There will also be a place for children grades 4-6 to pre-register for the Sparks Studio Vacation Bible School.

Anyone with questions about the block party or the Vacation Bible School can call the church at 573-785-1250 or send an email to templebaptistsec@gmail.com.
