May 23, 2023

Students call Dee Jones, Mark Twain Alternative School Teacher of the Year, perfect, while coworkers describe her as someone who thinks outside the box. A parent credits Jones for having the perfect blend of strictness and kindness. Jones attributes being raised by teachers and having three siblings who are teachers with her skill development...

Students call Dee Jones, Mark Twain Alternative School Teacher of the Year, perfect, while coworkers describe her as someone who thinks outside the box. A parent credits Jones for having the perfect blend of strictness and kindness.

Jones attributes being raised by teachers and having three siblings who are teachers with her skill development.

She taught for three years in Arkansas before she and her husband relocated to Doniphan when they started a family, and she stayed at home until they started school.

She then taught fourth grade for nine years.

“I decided, since working with troubled youth has always been a passion of mine, I would leave teaching and work as a deputy juvenile officer for Ripley and Butler Counties,” Jones said. “I loved the people, and getting to be a positive influence in the lives of others. “

After two years, she really missed teaching, Then a junior high principal asked if she would be interested in teaching a pilot program for a future alternative school with Poplar Bluff School District.

“I jumped at the opportunity,” Jones said. “I taught (at) the RISE Transition Center for a year before COVID shut down our schools in March. The following year the Mark Twain Alternative School opened its doors. I was asked to teach for Mark Twain.”

The school served students 7th-12th grades the first year and she worked with high school students who were credits away from graduating.

“It was such a wonderful experience helping students finish their time in grade school,” she said. “The following year we expanded down (to) 4th-6th grades. Our amazing principal asked me to be lead teacher over this portion of our program. My degree is early childhood/elementary this is where my heart lies. I have so enjoyed working with this age group, in hopes to help them set goals, build self esteem, learn self regulation skills...before they enter their teenage years.

“We try to help them understand positive ways to handle issues, rather than act out negatively,” Jones said. “My ‘why’ in teaching is to provide stability, consistency, teach self-discipline and love. To give each student hope, and for them to know, no matter what, they always have Mrs. Dee to come to, and know what to expect each day. I want each of them to know they have this place where they are so loved and wanted every single day.”

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In nominating Jones for the honor, Darla Nunn said Jones “thinks outside the box so all students can comprehend the learning objectives.”

Nunn continues, “She never raised her voice in the classroom. Students and staff never know if she is in a bad mood or having a bad day. She’s is always a ray of sunshine and has a way of gently demanding everyone’s attention with smile.”

Agreeing with Nunn, co-worker Laura Powell said, Jones “is one of those teachers you come across once in a great while.”

“Dee is one of the kindest, most caring and thoughtful people I have ever met,” said teacher Donna Tribble. “She puts her whole heart into everything she does and everyone she meets.”

While working with Jones, Tribble said, “I have seen how she works with her students with love, compassion and understanding. She shows her students love by providing a stable and consistent atmosphere. She is preparing her students for their future, not only in education but in life.”

One parent said, “I am glad to say it is because of her my child has excelled in class. Her ability to connect with her students and her talent at teaching simple concepts, is truly superior. She is capable of recognizing a student’s potential as well as weakness, apart from being very dedicated and sincere.”

As a juvenile officer she connected with children and adolescence who struggled, the parent said. She offered support and warmth to anyone who was struggling.

A trio of her students praised her for a variety reasons. They used the word “nice” and gave her credit for the middle school being well behaved.

She always has a smile on her face if she’s not working on students’ behaviors, is punctual, a good helper, a good role model, professional and willing to work with any students, one student said.

The third student agreed with the others but added “she tries to be on your side as much as she can when you are in trouble. She talks to you if your feeling down. Mrs. Dee is just the perfect teacher. She is the best teacher ever.”

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