September 2, 2018

Staff Reports Missouri Star Quilters' Guild stitched up plans for quilt shows in town and away at the Aug. 9 meeting. Cheryl Maples of the quilt show committee reported the quilt show will held Oct. 19 -20 at the First United Methodist Church, Fifth and Main St. Entry fee will be $3 for member and $5 for non-members. The show is open to anyone wanting to enter a quilt...

Staff Reports

Missouri Star Quilters' Guild stitched up plans for quilt shows in town and away at the Aug. 9 meeting.

Cheryl Maples of the quilt show committee reported the quilt show will held Oct. 19 -20 at the First United Methodist Church, Fifth and Main St. Entry fee will be $3 for member and $5 for non-members. The show is open to anyone wanting to enter a quilt.

Mortina Williams reported the AOS Fall Show in Paducah, Ky. will be Sept. 12-15 (9 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Wednesday-Friday, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. on Saturday) at the Expo Center, 415 Park Street, Paducah.

A request was made to make $300 as a corporate donation to the Butler County Fair. The motion was carried and approved.

Teresa Johnson called the meeting to order with 21 members present. Maples presented the treasurer's report. Maples reported the group has 33 members plus one new member who joined.

Deb Ward and Patty Stone reported Janice Lankford and Dian Reno will bring refreshments to the September meeting.

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Dee Carter reported the August workshop was to be on the Iron Caddy being taught by Dian Reno. The group learned new quilts have been hung at the library.

Community Projects reported by Myra Knight was Foster Adopt Connect are in need toothpaste, toothbrushes, pajamas, socks, underwear and gently used clothing. They are in desperate need of diapers of any size.

Johnson reported tickets for the Opportunity Quilt are available for $1 each or six for $5.

Susie Owens reported the fabric swap for September is fall materials in fat quarters.

Challenges included Renay Greer reporting the Book/Movie/Song quilt is due January 2019. Fliers were handed out by Greer.

Historian Karen Vallow brought the scrapbook.

Several participated in Sew and Tell by showing off their handy work, which is considered the best motivation for everyone to quilt.

Next meeting will be at 6:30 p.m. Sept. 13 at the First United Methodist Church. Those attending are to bring charity items and Sew and Tell.

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