What spirit characterizes the kingdom of God on earth? Too often the true spirit of the kingdom of God is lost or violated in our concern about the legal aspects of it. When we read what Jesus said concerning greatness in His kingdom, we just can not believe He was serious about it. "Except you come as a little child"--except you turn from your proud, haughty, self-assurance unto Me as a little child--"you shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven." Matthew 18:3. Wealth, power, prestige and worldly learning may play an important role in earthly kingdoms but not in Christ's spiritual kingdom. To come as a little child does not mean we are to be childish. It means we are to come to Christ with the spirit of wonder. Surely a good look at Jesus will excite in the hardest, meanest man a spirit of wonder. To look upon One who loves such a man more than Himself--to see One who holds the power of the universe in His hands remain humble--One who can forgive and even pray for His persecutors--surely all must stand in awe and wonder at such a one. To come as a little child is also to come in simple faith and complete trustfulness. If all could recapture the spirit of complete trustfulness in their relationship to God they had in their parents in childhood, how sweet our religion would be. And we need to recapture the simplicity of childhood in our religion. We live in a society growing more complex each day, and we have lost the simplicity of the Gospel in vain philosophy and intellectualism (See Colossians 2:8). Jesus said, "If you love Me, keep My commandments." John 14:15. Is this difficult to understand? Not if we really love Him.