August 22, 2018

SSLqSSLqWhen I was young, I always wanted to be an elementary teacher," says first-year Bloomfield teacher Jansen Williams. "I never considered anything else -- until I reached high school and discovered music therapy. "I am a musician and a lover of music," Williams adds. "In high school, I was active in choir and music became my focus. Music therapy, which uses music intervention to treat a wide variety of mental and physical health issues, seemed a perfect fit."...

Nancy Nelson Vines

SSLqSSLqWhen I was young, I always wanted to be an elementary teacher," says first-year Bloomfield teacher Jansen Williams. "I never considered anything else -- until I reached high school and discovered music therapy.

"I am a musician and a lover of music," Williams adds. "In high school, I was active in choir and music became my focus. Music therapy, which uses music intervention to treat a wide variety of mental and physical health issues, seemed a perfect fit."

To that end, upon graduation from Dexter High School in 2008, she enrolled at Maryville University in St. Louis and earned her bachelor's degree in music therapy. Williams continued to live in St. Louis and was a graduate assistant in pursuit of her master's degree when she experienced a defining moment.

"I came home one afternoon completely exhausted," Williams explained. "I sat down and realized that I no longer found pleasure in music. I could not even remember the last time I had played my piano for enjoyment. It was at that point that I began to reevaluate my career choice."

Williams said as she considered her options, she realized that her true desire was the same as it had been so many years ago -- to become a teacher.

"It was scary," she admitted. "I had all this time and money invested in music therapy -- and don't get me wrong -- I loved my clients and what I was doing; however, there were some downsides.

"I wanted to live in my hometown, not the city, but as a music therapist I did not see how that would be possible."

Williams explained that while music therapy is a recognized form of treatment, most insurance companies require that therapists be licensed. Since Missouri does not license music therapists, that meant most clients had to pay out-of-pocket for the services.

"I did not see that as a viable situation in Southeast Missouri," Williams said.

After much soul-searching, prayer and encouragement from her parents, family and friends, Williams withdrew from the graduate program, moved home to Dexter, and formulated her plan to earn a teaching certification.

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"The Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) recommended that I pursue the American Board for Certification of Teacher Excellence (ABCTE) program," Williams explained. "It is a rigorous and challenging one-year on-line course of study, but I was determined to get through it."

She fulfilled all requirements last year, and Williams is now certified to teach elementary grades one through six. Happily, last spring she signed a contract for her first teaching position.

The new Bloomfield second grade teacher said she is excited to meet her students and is looking forward to being able to incorporate some of the music therapy practices into her teaching.

"So many skills I learned from music therapy can be used in the classroom," Williams observed. "Positive behavior motivation and classroom management are two major areas where I can definitely implement those strategies."

Williams said music therapy can also aid in learning phonics and reading, and she has plans to use music for rewards, as well.

"I will keep my guitar in the classroom, so music will always be readily available," she added.

As she busily worked preparing her inspiring, cheerful classroom, the young teacher reflected on her early desire to teach and the goals she has set now that she has finally fulfilled that dream.

"As I am getting my classroom ready, I am remembering each of my elementary teachers and how they impacted my life. Each one influenced me in a particular way," Williams observed. "In fact, I have some things that belonged to my third grade teacher Mrs. Pippins."

"I always felt safe and loved at school," Williams continued. "I was happy at school and loved all my elementary teachers. I want my students to feel that same way. I will work hard to make my students feel loved and important. My classroom will offer a positive, encouraging atmosphere, where students can feel safe and secure."

Reflecting on her 10-year path to becoming a teacher Williams noted, "I am so happy to be where I am right now. While it took me a while to realize my true desire, each step has been a learning experience that led me to this place. I have no doubt that I made the right decision."

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