July 11, 2017

There is a story of a little boy who was afraid of the dark. One night his mother said to him, "Son, I can't see why you are afraid, don't you know that God is with you in the dark?" "Yes, I know that," he said, "but mother, I want someone with me with skin on." So it is with many lonely, fearful people in our world. ...

There is a story of a little boy who was afraid of the dark. One night his mother said to him, "Son, I can't see why you are afraid, don't you know that God is with you in the dark?" "Yes, I know that," he said, "but mother, I want someone with me with skin on." So it is with many lonely, fearful people in our world. They need to find God's presence a reality, but they also need someone with skin on-someone they have confidence in and feel they can lean upon. The great Apostle Paul could say from a Roman prison, "The Lord shall deliver me from every evil work, and will preserve me unto His heavenly kingdom; to whom glory be forever." II Timothy 4:18. But he also urged Timothy to "Do thy diligence to come (to him) before winter." v. 21. He was aware of the Lord's presence and protection, but also needed the fellowship of the beloved Timothy. One of the greatest ministries any of us can render for another is to be that person with "skin on" when faith, courage, strength and hope are needed. A re-assuring word, a touch of the hand while praying for them can make God's presence and power a greater reality.

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If you will permit Christ to dwell within your heart and life to the extent your life radiates His spirit and His love toward everyone, then He can minister unto the fearful, the lonely and the bereaved through you-that someone with "skin on" that makes Christ a reality.

What a blessed experience it is to see the face of a lonely person glow with joy to have someone come by and assure them someone still loves and cares for them. How thrilling it is to see the despondent take a new grip on life when given assurance by personal testimony of the power of Gods' word to save, heal and sustain.

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