April 17, 2019

“She is compassionate, creative, enthusiastic and has a desire for all students to learn and succeed, despite the challenges they present,” said O’Neal Elementary Special Education teacher Kassie Stonecipher when describing a fellow teacher. This type of dedication is why Christie Risinger, a speech-language pathologist at O’Neal Elementary, was selected to represent the building as the 2019-20 Teacher of the Year...

Christie Risinger, a speech-language pathologist at O’Neal Elementary, was selected to represent the building as the 2019-20 Teacher of the Year.
Christie Risinger, a speech-language pathologist at O’Neal Elementary, was selected to represent the building as the 2019-20 Teacher of the Year. Photo provided

“She is compassionate, creative, enthusiastic and has a desire for all students to learn and succeed, despite the challenges they present,” said O’Neal Elementary Special Education teacher Kassie Stonecipher when describing a fellow teacher.

This type of dedication is why Christie Risinger, a speech-language pathologist at O’Neal Elementary, was selected to represent the building as the 2019-20 Teacher of the Year.

“Christie’s compassion for both students and their families, collaboration with teachers and families, dedication to her students, staff and district as well as her willingness to accommodate for all, makes her an asset to this district,” Stonecipher added.

As a young person, Risinger said she did not have any intention of becoming a teacher after seeing the work her mother poured into her own teaching career with little funds to show.

“When I discovered speech-language pathology as a profession, my plan was to practice in the medical field where the money was,” Risinger said.

Christie Risinger, a speech-language pathologist at O’Neal Elementary, engages with a student. Risinger was selected as the building’s 2019-20 Teacher of the Year.
Christie Risinger, a speech-language pathologist at O’Neal Elementary, engages with a student. Risinger was selected as the building’s 2019-20 Teacher of the Year. Photo provided

After completing her Bachelor of Science in education, Risinger added she only accepted a school job to pay her tuition as she worked toward her Master’s Degree.

“During the two years it took to obtain my Master’s Degree and SLP certification I fell in love with kids and the amazing teachers that poured so much of themselves into their little lives,” she said. “I finally understood why my mom did what she did with such sacrifice. There is nothing like looking into the face of a child that needs you!”

Risinger accepted a speech-language pathologist position with the Senath-Hornersville School District in 1990. She then felt compelled to apply at Poplar Bluff R-1 in 2015 when a position became open.

Risinger said her teaching philosophy is to be flexible as well as love first and the learning will come.

An O’Neal mother praised Risinger’s recognition that each and every student is more important than just a job.

“Sometimes you have to love them before you can teach them,” the mother said.

She also shared her thankfulness of Risinger’s work with her own son, the strides the two made together and obvious interest she took in her child and his education.

“I don’t know where we would be today without her hard work and compassion,” the mother said. “Our family is truly thankful that God placed our child into her loving heart during such a rough time.”

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Fellow O’Neal teachers Andrea Cline and Krista Sells, who recommended Risinger for the honor, said she maintains a calm, poised and professional demeanor in all situations with a pleasant attitude, which reflects positivity.

“She has a great understanding and love for all students,” the two teachers said. “Christie works to make the best decisions for every student in every situation. Parents truly understand she has their child’s best interest at heart and goes the extra mile to ensure every student is successful.”

To do this, staff said it’s not uncommon to see Risinger teaching her students outside the typical classroom setting.

“If her students are more comfortable in the hallway, then she teaches them in the hallway,” Cline said.

While some of Risinger’s students are nonverbal, their love for her is shown in a number of ways.

Her students smile when they see her and will give her high-fives or hugs.

“The student’s expressions and body language are evidence they love her,” Cline added.

Student affirmations are in no short supply when speaking of Risinger.

“You are always smiling and very kind. I’m happy you are a good listener,” one student said. “You are my Teacher of the Year because you wanted to help me learn.”

A “can do” attitude of never letting anything stop Risinger from striving to meet their son’s speech goals is why two parents are appreciative of this year’s O’Neal award recipient.

“Mrs. Risinger has shown the willingness to go beyond the call of duty to try new things with our son,” the mother said. “Her enthusiasm is infectious to those around her. I believe if the school had more instructors like Mrs. Risinger, the school and student’s education would flourish.”

Many of Risinger’s SLP friends, outside of the public school setting, get offended when someone calls them “just a teacher,” she said.

“But not me,” she added. “I am proud and honored to be counted among the amazing educators that I have had the privilege to know, work with and learn from.”

Being selected to represent O’Neal Elementary as Teacher of the Year is a great honor for Risinger.

“The O’Neal campus is over-flowing with gifted educators and I am just grateful to be counted among them,” she said.

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