September 15, 2018

By NANCY NELSON VINES Contributing Writer "The fair played a huge part in my becoming the person I am today," reflects Megan DeLisle. "Truly. My work ethic, fearlessness, and self-confidence are a result of the many years I devoted to 4-H and fair competitions."...


Contributing Writer

"The fair played a huge part in my becoming the person I am today," reflects Megan DeLisle. "Truly. My work ethic, fearlessness, and self-confidence are a result of the many years I devoted to 4-H and fair competitions."

DeLisle was raised on a farm growing row crops and cattle and selling fertilizer.

"My dad, John Brehmer, grew up in Star Banner 4-H," she explains, "but by the time I was a youngster, membership had declined and the chapter closed. When I got old enough to participate, my parents contacted the University of Missouri Extension office and were able to reactivate Star Banner. They served as leaders until my brother graduated from high school, then another parent took it over.

"Because I was young when I joined 4-H, my first fair entries were pretty traditional things. I tried crafting, cake decorating, and my Grandpa John taught me woodworking and gardening. I treasure those memories of the time I spent with him, but it wasn't all fun and games. We worked together, but he made sure I learned the skills he was teaching me.

"When my husband and I were building our barn, he was amazed at how much woodworking knowledge I have. I can use a saw, measure and cut angles. All that because my grandpa took time to invest in me and my interests and encouraged me to enter fair competitions."

DeLisle says that by the age of 10 or 11, the livestock at the fair had caught her attention.

"I wanted to show livestock, but I was small in stature, so we started out with goats. My goats were notorious for being strange," she laughingly recalls.

"My first year we went to the stockyard and I picked out pretty goats, but by the second year, I had learned a few things from my 4-H and fair experiences, so I chose a breed that was a highly marketable meat breed."

Boer goats are easily recognizable for distinct red faces and white coats.

"I showed goats and dabbled in hogs for a few years, but by the time I was 16, I decided I wanted to show steers. You know," DeLisle explains, "showing is the end result. Before you ever get to that show ring, there is a lot of work and training. It's not a hobby. The hard work and demanding schedule are a lot for a kid to endure -- particularly if you participate in extra-curricular activities at school."

DeLisle says her father made her completely responsible for her steers.

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"Dad took me to get a loan, and he co-signed for me. I had to plan for everything in that loan amount -- the price we could pay for the steers, their food, vet costs, etc. I had to have enough to get me through to the fair and the auction that would be held there at the end of fair week," she says. "If I did my job, my steers would bring good money and I would have enough to pay off my loan, and put money in the bank."

However, before the much-anticipated fair week arrived, many early mornings and late evenings would be devoted to tending to the steers and training them for the show ring.

"I would get up before school and go see to the steers. I would come home in the afternoons and work with them until dark. I did this every day," DeLisle said.

DeLisle says the traits of self-discipline, desire to win, and hard work became so ingrained in her, that they are now just a part of who she is.

"I don't think I could have achieved everything I have accomplished so far, if I had not developed that strong work ethic when I was young," she said.

"I won Showman several times with my goats, hogs and steers," says DeLisle, "but I am most proud of the Herdsman Trophy, which I won four times. That award, for exemplary care of your animals, made the early mornings, late nights and hard work totally worth the effort."

DeLisle continued to show steers at the fair throughout high school, but adds the fair offers participants more than blue ribbons and awards, "Some of my best friends are those I made through 4-H and weeks spent at the fair.

"Kids came from all over Stoddard County to show their livestock. We bonded over our common interests and shared mishaps and many became life-long friends."

DeLisle graduated from Dexter High School in 2010. From there she enrolled at Murray State University to participate on their equine team.

"I always loved horses, but aside from a pony I had when I was little, horses were never a part of our farm mix. I bought my first show horse at 18, and I was excited to have the opportunity to pursue this interest at college," she says.

After only one semester, though, she learned that Southeast Missouri State University was beginning an equine competition club. She transferred to SEMO and spent the rest of her college career studying English and agriculture and riding competitively. Upon graduation she was hired by Tyson in Dexter and is a training specialist in the human resources department.

Not one to be content with the standard work-day routine, DeLisle's love of horses has led her to become involved in the Retired Race Horse Project.

"The purpose of this project," she explains, "is to promote a second career for retired race horses that, otherwise, may go to slaughter."

DeLisle owns two horses that require daily attention. As she did in her school days, DeLisle is up early to take care of Flash and Ty; then, into town to her day job; returning home, she takes to the corral to spend several hours working on training.

"Someone commented on my methodology in showing horses," she observes, "and I credit that back to the skills I learned showing steers at the fair. I didn't realize it at the time, but the fair and my experiences there, will probably influence me in some way for the rest of my life."

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