The University of Missouri Extension Council of Butler County election results have been tallied.
The winners are David Johnson, Dr. Dean Dye, Maria Francisco, Sue Crites-Szostak, BriAnne Merriman Riggins, Jo Ann Brandon and Samantha Pennington Evans, announced Interim Co-County Engagement Specialists Juan Cabrera and John Fuller.
Elected to two-year terms on the council, the winners are volunteers responsible for maintaining the University of Missouri Extension Center at 614 Lindsay Avenue and for planning programs with the faculty and staff in Butler County.
Johnson has been a resident of Poplar Bluff for more than 50 years. He is a retired school teacher, who is community oriented and has volunteered with many programs, according to informaiton provided by the Extension. He is a member of the VFW and AMVETS Post 29.
He is a member of the Recycling Grace Ministry, a local women’s shelter, board member of the Poplar Bluff Museum and the Railroad Historical Committee. He is currently vice president of the Butler County Extension Council.
Dye is a local pediatrician. He is a member of the Poplar Bluff Masonic Lodge Post 209 and the Three Rivers Shrine Club. Dye is on the Three Rivers College Booster Club Board. He is a member of the First United Methodist Church.
He enjoys spending time on Current River, snow skiing and fishing. Dye currently serves on the Butler County Extension Council.
Francisco works in mental health and social work. She currently owns her own private practice and operates as a licensed clinical social worker. Francisco serves Poplar Bluff R-I schools and Twin Rivers district, which includes Fisk, Qulin and Broseley. She provides services at Haven House and contracts with Neelyville schools.
Her hobbies include outdoor activities, spending time with her family and serving others.
Szostak was born and raised in Butler County and grew up on Black River in the Big Island area.
She is the wife of Joseph A Szostak, Jr. and has been married 39 years. They have three children who live in Tennessee.
Szostak is a member of Kiwanis, the Monday Literary Club, Daughters of the American Revolution, P.E.O., Missouri Library Association, American Library Association and the Missouri Public Library Directors.
She attends Palace of Praise. She has been the director of the Poplar Bluff Municipal Library since 2013.
Riggins is a registered dietitian. She works with the John J. Pershing VA food pantry and attends Fellowship General Baptist Church.
Brandon is a retired registered nurse. She is a board member of the Northside Community Center and a Women of Purpose chairperson. Brandon is president of the Lively Stone Church of God Sisterhood and would like to utilize her skill sets to facilitate community improvement and to be an advocate for anyone in need.
Evans is a partner at the law firm Maness, Maness & Pennington Evans, where she specializes in estate planning and serves as strategic general counsel for small businesses throughout the state of Missouri.
She is married to Dereck Evans, owner and operator of Sanctified Soil, LLC.
She attends First Presbyterian Church in Malden, where her husband is the pastor. Their children attend Westwood Baptist Academy.
According to Extension Council Chair Jerrica Fox, regional specialists and paraprofessionals for the University of Missouri System provide educational programs to Butler County citizens in several areas. Programs are available on site in the fields of horticulture, 4-H youth development, human development and nutrition programs for youth. Available from regional faculty are agronomy and business development.