BOLIVAR, Mo. — Southwest Baptist University has released its Spring 2020 graduate and honor roll lists.
Jacob Henderson, of Poplar Bluff, Doctor of Physical Therapy
Logan Misner, of Poplar Bluff, Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Undergraduate students graduate with honors according to the following GPAs: Summa cum laude, 3.850-4.00; magna cum laude, 3.700-3.849; and cum laude, 3.500-3.699. In order to graduate with honors, students must have earned a minimum of 45 semester hours of credit at SBU prior to the semester of graduation.
Honor Rolls
SBU also has released the Spring 2020 honor roll lists for undergraduate students. Students who are on the list from your area include:
Katlin Mansfield, of Harviell, was named on the Trustees’ List
Hannah Finley, of Poplar Bluff, was named on the Trustees’ List
Logan Misner, of Harviell, was named on the Deans’ List
To be listed on the semester’s honor roll, students must carry at least 12 hours of college work at Southwest Baptist University and earn at least a B (3.00 GPA), with no grade below C: Trustees’ List, 3.85-4.00; President’s List, 3.70-3.84; Deans’ List, 3.50-3.69; and Honor’s List, 3.00-3.40.