Building Our American Communities (BOAC) on behalf of Missouri Department of Agriculture (MDA) is pleased to award Rombauer Rascals 4-H Club a BOAC Grant to assist in the construction of a pavilion in Rombauer Community Park.
Land was donated to Rombauer General Baptist Church for a community park from the Zoll estate. The land was cleared and leveled.
In 2012, Rombauer Rascals 4-H Club received a grant from the 4-H Foundation to create a walking path in the park. The 4-H members and other volunteers have kept the park mowed and have planted trees and shrubs. A volleyball court is set up with memorial benches and picnic tables. A Pollinator Garden from GROWMARK is being planted in the spring.
A meeting will be held at the east side of the park at 1 p.m. Saturday, March 24, (rain date April 7) to decide where the pavilion will be placed. If interested in helping with the pavilion, make a donation, or care of the park call Betty Schalk 573-785-2972 or Shirlene Nelson 573-300-8800.