April 15, 2017

Just as the power of the mighty Roman Empire could not contain the body of Jesus in Joseph's new tomb, neither can the high-sounding philosophical, nonsensical mouthings of some of our modern theologians alter the fact of His bodily resurrection, not destroy its impact on the lives of who believe with all their heart that He is the Christ, the Son of the living God. ...

Just as the power of the mighty Roman Empire could not contain the body of Jesus in Joseph's new tomb, neither can the high-sounding philosophical, nonsensical mouthings of some of our modern theologians alter the fact of His bodily resurrection, not destroy its impact on the lives of who believe with all their heart that He is the Christ, the Son of the living God. It substantiates His Deity and Saviorhood, and brought life and immortality to light through the Gospel. It demonstrates as fact what He had declared unto Martha- "I am the resurrection and the life"-every resurrection is dependent upon Him.

"I have power to lay down My life, and I have power to take it up again," He had said. John 10:18. He was saying, if He laid down His life on the cross and took it up again, then all who believed upon Him to obey Him, would He raised up at the last day. If He came not forth from death, then there would be no resurrection for anyone. Praise God! He did come forth, and you and I may be assured that "He shall change our vile body that it may be fashioned like unto His glorious (resurrection) body" (Philippians 3:21) when He comes again to call the redeemed unto Himself.

It was the impact of the reality that Jesus was alive again that fired the apostles and other disciples with spiritual fervency that could not be quenched. It is this reality that makes the difference between a dead-letter religion and a dynamic, regenerating one. Have you claimed Him as your Savior?
