Twin Rivers R-X has set tentative dates for proms and graduations for the graduating seniors.
These events were postponed due to the early closure of schools from COVID-19. District officials said they’ve remained hopeful to be able to have these events in-person over the course of the summer because of the importance of the events.
Kindergarten and eighth-grade graduations are scheduled for Sunday, May 17, in the Twin Rivers High School parking lot. Kindergarten graduation will be at 2 p.m. and eighth-grade graduation will be at 4 p.m.
Both are styled as drive-in graduations with students remaining in or at their car until their name is called to come up to a trailer stage.
Due to the parking lot size, families will be limited to two to three vehicles. The spots closest to the stage are reserved for vehicles with the graduates. Parking attendants will assist with parking.
If weather conditions aren’t favorable on that day, the ceremonies will be rescheduled for later in the same week.
“We know this is not our ‘normal’ graduation, but social distancing rules must be in place,” teachers Lisa Bell and Hayley Benson said in a statement. “We feel that graduating kindergarten (and eighth grade) is a very important milestone in our students’ lives, and we do not want them to miss the opportunity of a formal graduation.
“Please help us have a successful graduation by following all guidelines.”
Prom and high school graduation now have tentative dates in June and a back-up date in July.
Wednesday, June 10 - Baccalaureate
Thursday, June 11 - Prom at Westwood Center
Friday, June 12 - Graduation practice at 9 a.m., mandatory for anyone planning to walk
Sunday, June 14 - Graduation at 3 p.m.
Principal Misti Lovelace said if regulations in June still are too restrictive, the events also have July dates.
Wednesday, July 15 - Baccalaureate
Thursday, July 16 - Prom at Westwood Center
Friday, July 17 - Graduation practice at 9 a.m., mandatory for anyone planning to walk
Sunday, July 20 - Graduation at 3 p.m.