February 14, 2018

It has become less and less often one meets an individual from the Greatest Generation - those who fought in World War II - and the Puxico community is the home to Lee Miller one of the last living soldiers who fought in the war. According to the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, only 558,000 veterans of the 16 million Americans who fought in World War II are still living...

Caleb H.

It has become less and less often one meets an individual from the Greatest Generation - those who fought in World War II - and the Puxico community is the home to Lee Miller one of the last living soldiers who fought in the war.

According to the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, only 558,000 veterans of the 16 million Americans who fought in World War II are still living.

Miller came into World War II nearing the end of the war to help with the reconstruction of Austria after the fall of Nazi Germany.

"I came in on the end of the war to help clean up." Miller explained. "To start off, I was stationed in Linz, Austria. We worked with the Russians to clean up bodies, debris and destruction from the American territory of Linz, Austria to the Soviet territory of Vienna, Austria."

Miller was an infantry soldier who also served as a guard for the engineers rebuilding bridges throughout the route from Linz to Vienna.

"Engineering companies were stationed all throughout the route from Linz to Vienna and one of my jobs was to protect those workers and patrol the area." Miller said. "The Soviet soldiers had control over Vienna and needed the ability to leave Vienna and we needed the ability to get into Vienna through a safe passage, so, that was the importance of the engineers building those passages."

Before Miller's entry into World War II, he was in the Presidential Honor Guard for President Harry Truman and then President Dwight Eisenhower.

"My job, during the time I served the President, was to make sure he was kept safe with the rest of the guards." Miller said. "If the President was at the White House, we were at the White House; if he left, we left. That job was night and day - it was a 24 hour job."

When asked what was his most memorable part of his service, Miller explained is was his time walking The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.

"Walking for the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, I believe, was the best memory I have ever had during my service." Miller said. "It was volunteer-based and usually when we were not protecting the President, we were walking The Tomb or training for it. Each shift ranged from two to four hours in length."

Miller has lived in Puxico most of his life. He explained the he loves Puxico and it will forever be called home to him.

"I was born in a little house not too far from the church (Life Chapel: Assembly of God) here in town." Miller explained. "I had to leave for my military service and lived in California for about 20 years but I decided with my family that Puxico is where we need to be and we moved back here in 1978. Puxico is my home and it always will be."
