From Staff Reports
The city-wide yard sale will be Friday and Saturday, Oct, 6-7, the Puxico Board of Aldermen were reminded at it's Sept. 21 meeting.
Anyone wishing to use either Memorial (South) Park or Veteran's Park for a yard sale needs to call city hall to be included on a list. The city is putting together a list of addresses where yard sales will be held and will distribute the list along with city maps to interested parties.
The aldermen voted to give Puxico resident Tina Burns permission to place a blessing box in the city. Bill Hemby moved the box be placed on the front porch of city hall. The four-foot by four-foot box will be open to the public so anyone who wishes to donate nonperishable goods such as food, paper products, cleaning supplies and school supplies may place them at anytime and anyone in need could pick them up. Burns will be responsible for building the box.
Marshall Rick Sheren discussed the vandalism at Houck Park and listed the tickets/summons to be heard Oct. 10 city court.
Chris Strickler said the state inspector found several deficiencies at the dog pound which are being corrected. Strickler stated people are releasing the impounded dogs. A fence in front of the pound to block off the entrance is being planned.
Fire Chief Rusty Parker presented a firefighter application from Becky Null, The aldermen voted 3-1 to accept the application. Gary Wilfong voted no. The mayor stated Null would be on probation for three months.
When Parker asked about plans for the fire station, the mayor said the city was getting the fire trucks in for service. The wrecked 1997 truck is still being repaired. The framework has been done. New batteries were placed on the truck and a tire has to be replaced.
Maintenance supervisor David Hawthorne said, the quote for the work listed at the August board meeting totaled $23,000 so the list will need to be cut.
Problems with sewer lines were discussed. The city attorney created a waiver for work done on private property. Hawthorne feels he needs to investigate what other cities are doing concerning sewer line problems before a decision is made.
The aldermen learned bricks are being engraved for library brick donation project. Brad Watkins will place the bricks.
The aldermen were informed nuisance letters about high grass at 161 N. High St. which is in foreclosure were not successful so the city will have the grass and weeds cut and the cost will be added to the real estate taxes. The owner of 167 W. Crumb Avenue would not accept the registered letter so the city is considering further action. Health nuisance letters to one address is being written about unlicensed vehicles, inoperable vehicles, open storage of acetylene tanks and other items and another address will receive one about a travel trailer being used as a residence.