Resurfacing will be done on Route BB in Ripley County, part of a statewide effort to improve rural roads considered in poor condition.
The project is part of a $2.2 million contract awarded to Pace Construction for resurfacing work in Reynolds, Madison and Iron counties. The award was made Oct. 12 by the Missouri Highways and Transportation Commission.
The Ripley County work will take place from the beginning of state maintenance to Route 160. No dates have been set yet.
The project is part of 1,567 miles of low volume roads ranked in poor condition which will receive resurfacing treatments of hot mix asphalt to improve road conditions.
An additional $100 million in general revenue funds were allocated in Fiscal Year 2024 to improve Missouri’s low volume rural roads, according to a press release from the Missouri Department of Transportation.
Multiple bundles of projects have been awarded for resurfacing.
The Reynolds County work will take place on Route H from Route 21 to the end of state maintenance.
Dunklin County will see work under a separate $3 million contract, also awarded to Pace Construction.
Route ZZ will be resurfaced from the beginning of state maintenance to Route NN, according to MoDOT.
That contract also includes work in Scott, Cape Girardeau, Madison and Bollinger counties.
No dates have been released for completion of the work.