Second grade teacher Cindy Robertson is the 2018-19 Eugene Field Elementary School Teacher of the Year (TOY).
Robertson has been with the Poplar Bluff R-1 School District since 2007 and said she hopes to "leave the legacy of my care, time, and the genuine concern I have for my students as they come in and out of my classroom and my life."
Robertson was nominated for the recognition by her peer, Pamela Heaton, who described her as en effective and dedicated leader.
"Through positive praise and love, Mrs. Robertson brings out the very best in her students," Heaton said. "She focuses on their strengths and becomes their champion."
Robertson graduated from Poplar Bluff High School in 1984 before earning a Bachelor of Science in early childhood education from Southeast Missouri State University. She later earned a Master of Arts in elementary education in 1997 and obtained a specialist degree in elementary administration in 2006.
Second grade teacher Cheri Sparkman also penned a letter to the TOY committee commending Robertson's work.
"Cindy's dedication does not stop in the classroom," Sparkman said. "She is an extremely active member throughout the community. Cindy works as a liaison between community leaders and the school to help meet student needs and provide experiences outside of the classroom."
Parent Casey Barlage said Robertson's commitment to children and ability to form relationships with students and parents is one of a kind. She mentioned one particular memory of Robertson, before her son was in her class.
"It was at a school program," she said. "The kids had just finished a great performance, and I looked over at Mrs. Robertson, who was in tears. When I saw that she had such a heart for children that their performance moved her to tears, it was comforting to know that my child would be in her care."
Heaton said Robertson is not only an asset in the classroom, but also to the curriculum.
"Mrs. Robertson goes above and beyond to provide instructional materials aligned with her grade level standards," she said. "She is the team representative for her grade level and an integral part of creating assessment pieces for the district."
Third grade student Makayla Cantu, whom Roberston nominated to speak in front of hundreds at a Leader in Me symposium in St. Louis, said her former second grade teacher is "the best teacher ever!"
"Mrs. Robertson deserves to be Teacher of the Year," Cantu said. "She is a good teacher because she tells stories about her childhood and how her teacher only taught her one way to do things. She then shows us multiple ways to do our work and learn."
Another Eugene Field student, Adleigh Burke, said Robertson is "the most influential person I know.
"When I started second grade, I was not a leader and she taught me how to be a leader," Burke said. "She taught me how to speak in public and read."
Burke said it makes her happy to see Robertson everyday.
"I truly love Mrs. Robertson," she added.
Robertson received the TOY honor once before, during the 2017-18 school year. She said she feels the relationships she creates with her students "will last a kid a lifetime.
"I strive to make a difference and to let them know I truly do care and believe in the good of all of them," she said. "I want to help guide them to be effective citizens and to find their voice in the world."