September 19, 2019

The Poplar Bluff R-I Board of Education voted Thursday to allow students from Westwood Baptist Academy to attend the Poplar Bluff Technical Career Center. Westwood Baptist Academy will be added as a non-consortium school, said Charles Kinsey, TCC director. Non-consortium schools are not part of the public schools already served by the TCC, he said...

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The Poplar Bluff R-I Board of Education voted Thursday to allow students from Westwood Baptist Academy to attend the Poplar Bluff Technical Career Center.

Westwood Baptist Academy will be added as a non-consortium school, said Charles Kinsey, TCC director. Non-consortium schools are not part of the public schools already served by the TCC, he said.

It doesn’t happen very often, said Kinsey. In many cases, it may be a student from another district, who wants a program not offered in their own area, he said.

Students typically pay the adult tuition rate if they are not part of a consortium district.

This case is unique, Kinsey said.

“They’re going to be students that are going to Westwood Baptist and their parents are going to be paying the difference,” said Kinsey.

There are parents who want their children to continue at Westwood, but also to have classes in the career fields offered at TCC, he explained.

Kinsey said it might be possible to add other schools in this way.

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Board members questions how admissions would be handled.

Kinsey confirmed R-I students would receive enrollment preference. About 70% of TCC classes are at capacity, a 15-1 ratio for students to instructors, he said. The campus can typically add spaces as needed, Kinsey added.

“I don’t see a downside to the district to this,” said Dr. Scott Dill, superintendent. “We’ve tasked Mr. Kinsey with expanding his programs, expanding his enrollment and he’s complying with what we’ve asked him to do.”

The board approved the matter.

Other business

In other business, the board:

• Approved review of the English Language Learners program, which has 12 students.

• Approved review of the food service program, which has 62 employees and has sought several grants to bring additional programs to district campuses.

• Approved a review of the annual graduation rate, which is at 94.2%, an increase from last year, when the rate was 93.6%.

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