The Poplar Bluff School District will provide childcare and meal services until school resumes as the community recovers from a recent tornado.
Free bulk meals provided by Chartwells will be available for pickup for individuals 18 and younger from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Wednesday through Friday, March 19-21, at Eugene Field, Lake Road, the Middle School and Oak Grove. Locations may be adjusted based on participation.
Childcare services will be provided by district teaching staff for Poplar Bluff students in pre-kindergarten through sixth grade from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. beginning Wednesday, March 19, at the Middle School, where breakfast and lunch also will be available. Families must provide transportation.
An assessment of childcare needs has been gathered from parents and guardians. Families wishing to utilize the childcare services must complete a survey available at
Families with additional disaster relief needs can submit them at
The district’s Bright Futures organization will work to connect families with available community resources.