May 15, 2019

Poplar Bluff R-1 certified staff will see an increase to their base salary beginning next school year following Wednesday’s Board of Education meeting. The board voted to add $500 to the base plus a step, bringing the base salary to $34,085. The previous base salary was $33,585...

Poplar Bluff R-1 certified staff will see an increase to their base salary beginning next school year following Wednesday’s Board of Education meeting.

The board voted to add $500 to the base plus a step, bringing the base salary to $34,085.

The previous base salary was $33,585.

During last month’s meeting, the board was presented with two options to consider for base salaries before making a decision to vote.

The second option added $915 to the base, bringing the base to $34,500.

Associate Superintendent of Finance Rod Priest told the board when initially presenting both options he felt the second was a little more competitive with larger neighboring school districts including Cape Girardeau, Jackson and Farmington.

Since last month’s meeting, Priest reported the district had some additional requests for staffing with the ongoing discussion of the alternative school/suspension center.

“Although we had hoped that in adding a suspension center and looking into the near future at an Alternative High School, we would not be adding students to the district but moving them to a different location and be staffed with existing personnel,” Priest said. “I cannot guarantee that will be the case. In addition, although our overall district numbers have declined some, the demographic shift may require placement of teachers to cover certain grade levels where having separate elementary schools makes it difficult to balance out the numbers.”

Priest went on to say he thought the $500 increase was a good compromise.

“This should give the board some flexibility once the final staffing numbers is determined,” he said.

Superintendent Dr. Scott Dill added some of the thought process from the recommendation came following the results of teacher surveys during strategic planning.

One of the top items of importance to teachers is an alternative school, Dill said.

While Dill added the district needs to be intentional in recruiting and keeping quality teachers, there is also a fiscal responsibility to the taxpayers and future planning.

The district is estimating the alternative school to be opened in fall 2020.

__Bus Bids__

Bids were requested from three providers in the area with two bids received for the district to add a new bus to its fleet.

Central States Bus Sales, Inc. submitted a bid of $88,320 for a 71 passenger 2020 Bluebird bus.

The company will offer the district $7,000 for the trade-in of a 2009 66-passenger Blue Bird bus.

The second bid was received from Midwest Transit Equipment, Inc. for $86,031 for a 65 passenger 2020 International bus.

The company would offer the district $3,500 for a trade-in.

Dr. Amy Jackson and Ronnie Martin recommended the board accept the bid from Central States Bus Sales even though it was the higher bid.

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“They have a superior engine, equipment, more passenger capacity, air condition and also allowed us more money for our trade-in,” Jackson said.

The new bus will replace the current “trip bus” and Jackson said it was essential it had air conditioning.

The district has about $60,000 budgeted for the bus and will receive $20,000 from a grant to offset some of the cost as well.

Jackson said the district will pay most of the cost out of this year’s budget with about $8,000 coming from next year’s budget.

__Financial Report__

Priest reported to the board total revenues for the month increased from last April by $186,708, totalling $3,664,298.44.

Total expenditures for the month also increased from last year by $338,247, bringing expenditures to $4,171,487.

Overall, Priest said, the change in fund balance for the year is up $6,059,135.

While the change in the fund balance increased, the total change in position year-to-date from last year decreased $1,845,960.

According to Priest, when considering the Early Childhood Center construction payment, the comparison is adjusted to $80,652 in the black.

__Foundation Board Election__

The board approved Foundation board of director members for the 2019-20 school year.

Those elected include Board of Education representative Alana Robertson; Administration Representative/Executive Secretary Scott Dill; Teacher Representative Karmen Carson; Chairman Mike Price; Vice Chairman Jerri Ann Rowland; Treasurer Rod Priest; and members John Wolpers, Bobbi Tinsley and a new member position is still open due to Emily Wolpers, who will term out.

__Also Approved__

• Addition of two new staffing positions for the Alternative Intervention Services.

• Authorization of representatives for Federal/Special Programs.

• Building & Grounds Program Evaluation and Assessment.

• Increase of Food Service Meal prices of lunches by $0.05 to $2.45 for grades 4-12. Breakfast prices will stay the same at $1.70 and grades K-3 receive free breakfast and lunch under CEP.

• Addition of two Alternative Intervention Services staff members for the 2019-20 school year.

• Chartwells Food service Management contract renewal.

__Next Meeting__

The next Poplar Bluff R-1 Board of Education meeting will be held at 7 p.m. June 27 in the central office board room, located at 1110 N. Westwood Blvd.

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