November 22, 2019

Viewers watching a recent episode of the NBC series “Chicago Fire” may have caught mention of the Poplar Bluff Fire Department. A clip of the scene can be viewed on the department’s Facebook page, as well Capt. Toby Tuggle’s page. Although the context of the dialog in the scene is unknown, it is: “Two units from the Des Moines Fire and Rescue. Six units from the Lansing Fire Department, and two units from Poplar Bluff, Mo., station 1.”...

The Poplar Bluff Fire Department's station No. 1 on Broadway was mentioned in a recent episode of the NBC series "Chicago Fire."
The Poplar Bluff Fire Department's station No. 1 on Broadway was mentioned in a recent episode of the NBC series "Chicago Fire."DAR/Paul Davis

Viewers watching a recent episode of the NBC series “Chicago Fire” may have caught mention of the Poplar Bluff Fire Department.

A clip of the scene can be viewed on the department’s Facebook page, as well Capt. Toby Tuggle’s page.

Although the context of the dialog in the scene is unknown, it is: “Two units from the Des Moines Fire and Rescue. Six units from the Lansing Fire Department, and two units from Poplar Bluff, Mo., station 1.”

“My uncle called me; he was at my mother’s visiting,” said Chief Ralph Stucker. “He said, ‘You guys are famous. They mentioned you guys on that show.’”

Stucker, who has never seen the show, said Tuggle sent him the clip, which he shared on the department’s Facebook page. It has been viewed more than 23,000 times.

“Several people inquired how it came about” and started posting comments, Stucker said. “ … I started researching online (someone) to send an email to.

“I got a list of producers/directors and picked one to send to.”

In his email, Stucker said, he thanked the show for mentioning the department.

“I really didn’t think I would get a reply, but I did,” Stucker said.

The reply came from Gary Mednick with NBC Entertainment Publicity.

This is a screen shot of the scene from a recent episode of “Chicago Fire” in which the Poplar Bluff Fire Department was mentioned.
This is a screen shot of the scene from a recent episode of “Chicago Fire” in which the Poplar Bluff Fire Department was mentioned.Facebook/Toby Tuggle

It read, “Hi Ralph. Many thanks for watching and showing interest in ‘Chicago Fire.’ I did a bit of research, and it turns out that the writer of the episode was looking to find a small town department with great reputation.

“After checking online, your station came up. That is the short story here! Hope you found some joy in the mention! Keep up the great work!”

In posting Mednick’s response on his Facebook page, Battalion Chief Stacy Harmon said, that response “made this an even bigger deal to us!”

Numerous people have commented on all three Facebook pages.

“It’s kind of neat” to see the comments, Stucker said. “ … Some people have gotten quite excited about it.”

Stucker said it has been “neat to see the community get excited about it. For our guys, it’s made their day.”

Among those commenting, according to Stucker, was the deputy chief of investigations with the State Fire Marshal’s Office.

An email, Stucker said, also was received from Mark Jones, the president of the International Firefighters Association Local No. 757 in St. Charles, Mo.

“He said he wanted to let (us) know he and his wife were watching, and it was pretty cool to hear the PBFD mentioned in the show,” Stucker said.

When Stucker attended the Fire Department Instructors Conference and Exhibition in April, he said, part of the “Chicago Fire” cast was there.

“I seen them and had no idea who they were,” Stucker said. “They were just there to meet and greet people.”

There was mention of a Chicago Fire battalion chief, but “it was the one from the show,” Stucker said.
